twenty-four; turn

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quick question for y'all: do you prefer to read stories written in first or third person (or more specifically if you read my other stuff, do you like my writing in first or third person better)? i'm posting a new story soon and while i started it in first, third has really grown on me after this book...

"Okay, open your eyes."

Mitch let out a deep breath of air before complying with the quiet words. His eyes slowly fluttered open before continuing to go wide at the sight.

The two were on a pier of some sort that looked out over the large expanse of water in front of them. How Scott had managed to find an empty, secluded part of it was beyond Mitch. The sun was still up, yet just low enough where it reflected back onto the water, causing it to turn a gorgeous redish-orange. The lights that were on the pier didn't take away from the sight at all, but instead, only made the view more magical. Mitch continued to take in the sight in front of them, even when the pair of hands left his waist.

"Turn around," another set of words came a moment later. They were as soft, if not more so than the previous ones. Mitch looked around one last time before moving his feet to slowly spin around. And when he did, he immediately took a few steps back.

"Scott--" Mitch said with his hands flying up towards his mouth. He'd be lying if he didn't think about this moment, but thinking about it was far different from actually seeing your boyfriend down on one knee.

"I..." Scott started, the emotion on his face just as visible as it was on Mitch's. "Will you marry me?"

It took a second before Mitch was to be able to say anything. But when he did, his answer was definite.

"Of course."

"Oh, thank god," Scott breathed out standing up. He took one big step forward, then wrapped his arms around Mitch. He buried his face into Mitch's neck.

"I had a whole speech planned out, I swear," the blonde muttered. "But then you turned around and I couldn't--"

"Just kiss me already."

And now it was Scott's turn to oblige with Mitch's wishes.

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