The woman with the baby

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(BBS crew: Vanoss or Evan, Delirious or Jonathan, BasicallyIDoWork or Marcel, Tyler or WildCat, Craig or Mini Ladd, Luke or Cartoons, Lui, David or Nogla, Brian or Terroriser, Ryan or Ohm, Bryce, and Brock or Moo)

It was a night like every other night. The BBS crew just finished up a late night mission and was heading home when they heard a gunshot fallowed by a woman screaming and a baby crying. "What the hell was that?" Marcel asked a little startled. Everyone stopped walking and Evan turned to the rest of the guys. "Ok me and Jonathan will go investigate while you guys stay here" Evan said as him and Jonathan walk in the direction they heard the gunshot fallowed by a woman screaming and a baby crying. When they arrived at the scene it was not what they expected.

There was s girl sitting up against a wall with a gun in one hand and a red bundled up blanket in the other. There was a man in front of her dead. The girl had a gunshot wound on her side she looked like she was fading from the world fast. She looked over to Evan and Jonathan and got up slowly. "Excuse me can you help me please... They want to use and harm this child.. She is special and gifted and I need to protect her from those evil bastards. Please don't give her up to anyone else it could be a danger to her. Her name is (Y/N)." The girl said trying to keep her balance. "How do you know we're not a danger for her" Jon asked.

The girl smiled lightly. "Because I know y'all very well I consenter you guys as family you just don't know who I am... Well not yet at least." The girl said making Jonathan and Evan look at each other. "Who are you to this baby her mother?" Evan asked. The girl shook her head. "No I am not her mother nor a friend I just want to keep her safe and change the future." She said stumbling to stay standing. "Then who are you to her" Jonathan asked. The girl looked down at the little red bundle then looked back up.

"I'm.... Her.." And before she could finish her sentence she was shot in the head killing her instantly. She dropped the gun and started to fall back. Jonathan grabbed (Y/N) before she got hurt. Jonathan moved the blanket to show the baby's face and he gasped at what he saw. "Evan the baby is injured we need to help her." He said looking to Evan. Before Evan could say anything Jonathan was shot in the shoulder. He yelped at the pain. Evan took the baby and started running with Jonathan right on his heals. They ran to the rest of the guys and continued running.

"What the hell happened over there?" Tyler asked as the rest fallowed Evan and Jonathan. "I'll explain later but for now let's get Jonathan and this baby help their both hurt so I'll need David and Brock to help them." Evan said running with the (Y/N) tight but gently in his grip. "Evan slow down you could trip and hurt (Y/N) even more." Jonathan said and Evan slowed down but kept running. When they got to their base they were all breathing heavily. The cries from (Y/N) weakend and that worried Evan. "Brock you take care of (Y/N) and David you check up on Jon and when your done I'll tell you all that happened." Evan said handing you to Brock.

"Make sure you take good care of her. Its hard to admit but I believe this was fate." Evan said and Brock took you to their medical room. Your cries getting weaker by the minute. Brock scrambled to get all the medical tools he needed while the (Y/N's) cries got even weaker. He started to work on helping you. You soon stopped crying and drifted off to sleep. Brock ran out to get David to help. He walked into the other room to see Jonathan with his shirt off. He had bandages rapped around his shoulder and his arm in a sling. Brock walked up to David.

"David I need you help with baby (Y/N) the injury was worse then I expected" Brock said worried. "Bock I'm helping Jon at the moment" David said and Jon cut in. "David go help him that baby's life is more important then my shoulder." Jon said and David agreed to help Brock. They headed back to the room with you sound asleep in it. When they finished up helping you they noticed a (R/S) (random shape) mark with another (R/S) inside.

"Is this so they can track her when she's older?" David asked and he was suddenly sent flying and knocked out. "David! Omg GUYS HELP!" Bock yelled grabbing you. There was an explosion in the room and Brock thought his life was over but he soon realized that he wasn't hurt at all not even a scratch on him. He looked down at you and saw that you were wide awake not crying. You looked up at him with your (E/C) eyes staying calm. He calmed down and noticed there was some type of barrier around you three with David behind you laying on the ground out cold.

When the smoke and dust cleared Brock saw a man with a wired mask on. "Who are you what do you want with this baby?" Brock asked holding you close. "That baby is a danger to human kind but using her could help the future become better then ever before." The man said and that's when Evan and the guys rushed in knocking the guy to the floor. "Brock!! are you three ok? What happened to (Y/N)?" Evan asked running up to you and Brock. The barrier vanished when Evan got close. "Evan (Y/N) is ok but David got hurt so here take her and keep her from that wired man." Brock said giving you over to Evan.

Evan looked down at you surprised at how calm you are. You gave him a cute baby smile and he awwed over it. The guy that was after you got up and jumped out the window. "That was wired but I'm glad everyone is safe and not hurt badly." Evan said handing you to another guy wearing glasses and a suit. "Craig take care of her for a few minutes will you." Evan said moving away to where David laid helping Brock pick him up. Craig looked at you with your (E/C) eyes. You were smiling at him and seeing you so calm calmed him down.

Soon you fell asleep in his arms. He cooed over you making the other guys look over to him holding you and they smiled looking at the cute scene in front of them. Evan and Brock put David on the bed to rest. After they did Evan gathered everyone else up into the meeting room to tell them everything while you slept in Craig's arms.

This is my first x reader I thought it would be cute to do a baby reader since there's not that many as I see of.

I hope you enjoy this book and I will try to update often. <3

Magical Mayhem BBS Crew x Baby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now