The two kidnapped

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Tyler smiled and picked you back up. "Come on lets go outside and I can show how peaceful it can be." Tyler said walking outside to the backyard. As soon as he stepped outside he triggered a trap. All of a sudden a giant cage fell on top of y'all. It scared Tyler so he held you tight. A few minutes later the rest of the guys came running outside but Tyler stopped them. "Stop you could trigger another trap!" Tyler yelled.

"Tyler where's (Y/N)?" Craig asked and Tyler noticed he wasn't holding you anymore. He started freaking out and all the guys were afraid that you went missing till they heard you crying. "Tyler we'll be right back." Craig said as they went back into the house. A few minutes after they went back inside the guys heard a loud crash and a scream that came from Tyler.

They ran back to see the cage knocked over and Tyler gone. "Oh my god Tyler has been kidnapped." Lui squeaked. "Hurry we need to find (Y/N) we can get Tyler back soon." Jon said running in the direction your cry's were coming from but you had stopped and that scared them. "Oh no we lost (Y/N) and Tyler vanoss is going to be pissed and devastated cause we just got her back and we lost one of our members." Brian said in a sad and a scared voice.

"Brian calm down yes we just got her back in addition of losing Tyler but we will find them both even if it takes us forever." Luke said in a confident voice. "Luke is right we need to wait for Evan to wake up and feeling better before we do anything. In the mean time Craig check the cameras to see if you can find out what happened to them and what direction the kidnapers went." Jon said confidently. "I'll make sure to let Evan know what happened and make he stays put in that bed when he wakes up." Brock said and everyone went their separate ways.

*Over to where Tyler is*(A few hours after Tyler gets kidnapped)
Tyler woke up in a room that looked to be a lab and he was strapped to a bed. He heard a sound of a baby crying and quickly recognized it as your cry. "Hello Tyler it's nice to see you again." A man said standing behind the bed. Tyler looked up and was filled with hatred.

"Nanner's..... What the hell? why did you kidnap me and (Y/N)?" Tyler asked pissed. "Tyler..Tyler..Tyler did you not notice the baby stopped crying." Tyler quickly realized and got pissed again. "What did you do to her!?" Tyler yelled struggling to get free. "I just accelerated her age. Yes I created age acceleration, she is now a 3 year old toddler I couldn't stand her crying" Nanner's said with an evil grin.

"Oh I kidnapped (Y/N) because she's your weakness and kidnapped you because you guys are keeping Anthony held hostage so if your friends want you and the little brat back they'll have to give me Anthony first. "If they don't then I'll just make it to where they never see you again." Nanners sounded pissed.

"Look we thought he was trying to kidnap (Y/N) we were just protecting her." Tyler said and nanners grinned evilly. "He was trying to kidnap her." Tyler gave him a death glare. "I ordered him to because she is not human. Did you know that she killed her own mother while she was giving birth to her." Nanners said and Tyler was shocked.

"Yes her father is the one who gave her to the lab men to do experiments on her because he was mad. He hated her for killing his wife and the woman he loved. That's why I'm here he wants her back so he can use her to hurt all the people that want to hurt him." Nanners said as he walked away.

As soon as he left Tyler heard a little girl scream '(Y/N)' Tyler thought as he struggled to get free. The scream stopped and it was dead silent. Tyler was super worried that you were hurt or worse. Nanners came back holding a little girl in his arms. It was you with your (H/L) (H/C) hair. You were out cold with your limp little body in Nanners arms.

"You sick bastard you just took 3 years off her life away." Tyler yelled "Yes I did and look at her isn't she an adorable little toddler." Nanners asked as he placed you on the bed a few feet next to Tyler "You're just a sick man trying to ruin a little girl's life." Tyler growled Nanners started laughing while he strapped you to the bed.

"Hey Nanners you down in the lab?" A Canadian voice called from down the hall. "Yeah Smitty come down here and see your special guest I have down here." Nanners yelled back. There was footsteps that got closer and closer till a man walked out from the shadowy hall. "Oh my god Nanners you kidnapped Tyler and a little girl what the hell is wrong with you now?" Smitty asked walking up to Nanners.

"Tyler's crew has Anthony and until we get him back their not getting Tyler back and as for the toddler that's (Y/N) the baby that guy asked us to get I just used age acceleration on her." Nanners said. "Oh no Nanners what did you do..? You know her father wanted her as a baby so he could figure out to manipulate her by letting her grow up with him so he could use her easier." Smitty said and nanners had an 'oh s***' expression on his face.

"F*** well I just couldn't handle her crying." Nanners said in an annoyed voice. "Well I'll explain that it was an accident." Smitty said walking over to your unconscious body strapped to the bed. He looked over to Tyler and Tyler death glared him. "Wow Tyler a pissed off expression same as always I see." Smitty said with a grin as he started unstrapping you from the bed.

"Shut up Smitty you guys betrayed us." Tyler snapped in Smitty just laughed. "Well this little girl could be our ticket to be the best gang around after her father gets her to kill you and your gang." Nanners said evilly. Tyler looked over to Nanners and narrowing his eyes at him. "What are you up to saying that she'll kill us." Tyler's anger grew.

"Her father is hunting down the people that took her from the lab and since you have her now he's going to have her kill you." Smitty said as he picked you up and threw your limp little body over his shoulder. "Have fun Tyler." Smitty said leaving the room with you on his shoulder.

"You guys are bastards for doing this to her. I know she won't kill us but when I'm free I'm coming after you and killing you myself." Tyler yelled as Nanners left the room close behind Smitty. He turned back and gave him a wicked smile. "You can try your best but you won't succeed." Was the last thing Tyler heard before it became dead silent.

Sorry guys I know I was supposed to update this a while ago but you know school got in the way and I just got a new computer so my updates will probably be faster and easier but anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter catch ye on the next one goodbyeee 😉

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