The crime to save part 1

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The doctor finished up and gave the papers back to Evan then left the room. "How did you know...?" Evan asked. "This is how I lost you guys in the first place so I grabbed those before I came here." You said with a smile. "But how did you get my signature you said you killed us in the future?" Evan asked confused.

"Yes but I got it before I killed you like when I was about 10 before those guys got me again. I met you guys and it was the best day ever. After my life was complete hell for the first 10 years you guys changed it with a few days I was with you and then hell again when you kicked me out." You said with tears in your eyes but not letting them fall.

"What...what do you mean we kicked you out why would we do that?" Luke asked. "Its because you were mine controlled to even though you regret it you couldn't help it. It wasn't you" (Y/N) said. "That's bullshit." Luke said you nodded. "Yeah I know that's why I'm trying to change the future. I don't want present me to live through that." You said finally letting the tears fall.

"Its ok (Y/N) everything will be fine you made it to where you can stay with us, so I'm technically adopted father now? Evan asked hugging future you. "Yeah and I'm happy that you are, you are a great person and I know you'll help me grow up to be a great person even a badass haha. To help me control my powers there just a little unstable at the moment since I'm still a baby." You said hugging Evan back.

"I will and I know the guy's will help me" Evan said pulling away from the hug. You smiled and walked to the door. "I don't know if you'll see me again but for now I'm leaving I hope you get along without my help. By dad Evan bye uncle Luke and bye godfather Jonathan tell the rest I said bye and I'll miss seeing you again." You said walking out the door whipping the tears from your eyes and closing the door behind you.

Evan ran to the door and pulled it open. "(Y/N)!!!" Evan yelled but you were gone. Evan walked back inside into the room and sat down next to the baby hospital bed. Baby you was sleeping soundly in the bed. Evan smiled at the thought of being a father but still being the leader of his gang. He looked at the adoption papers again.

He saw Jon's name on there two his name was under godfather and Luke was under uncle. Evan laughed at the papers. "What are you laughing at Evan?" Jon asked in a whisper. "On these papers Luke is on here as her uncle and you are on here as her godfather haha" Evan said with a light laugh.

"What wow that's cool I'm her uncle awesome I was kinda confused at first when she called me uncle Luke." Luke said leading against the wall. "Its cool that I'm her godfather this little power house grew up to become a wonderful young woman even without us." Jon said sitting back in his chair. Evan looked at you and smiled.

The doctor walked back in the room and looked concerned. "Mr Fong how long ago did you adopt (Y/N)?" He asked. "Just yesterday why do you ask?" Evan said/ asked back. The doctor walked up to Evan and handed him some papers and Evan started to read them. After minute of reading the gasped and looked up still the doctor with concern on his face.

"Is this for real no this is all wrong" Evan said looking back at the papers. "Mr. Fong do you understand what's going on?" The doctor walked up to your bed. "Yes I understand but how she's just a baby, not an experiment for stupid ass people to test and hurt her." Evan said standing up. "Im not going to let you take her and give her to those bastards." Evan said picking you up gently.

"Well I'm sorry but no one can help her here she's just a lab experiment ." The doctor said pissing off all three boys. "Fine I'll take her back home our friends are better doctors then your ass anyways." Evan said pissed off. They left the hospital and went home. You woke up crying again and Luke held you close. "Guys how are we going to give her the best treatment she needs when we don't really have good equipment back at the base?" Luke asked.

"I have a plan we are going on a robbery spree. We will hit pharmacy's and hospitals to get all we need. I don't want (Y/N) you die because she got sick as a baby and we couldn't help her." Evan said driving fast. They got to the base to see everyone awake. You were still crying so Luke rushed you to the medical room. "Everyone we're going on a robbery spree hitting pharmacy's and hospitals." Evan said grabbing some things.

"Evan what's wrong is (Y/N) ok?" Ohm asked walking up to him. "No we believe she's sick but the hospital won't hell because she's 'concerned a lab experiment.' It pissed all three of us off so we're going to go out tonight to get the stuff we need to treat her and find out what's wrong. Brock, David, and Luke are the best medical specialist we have so we need to raid these places." Even said walking to a table and placed the adoption papers down and pulled up a map on the holographic screen.

"This is where we need to go" Evan said circling areas on the map. Luke came back in a few minutes later. "So how is (Y/N)?" Bryce asked seeing how tired luke was. "She's ok now she just fell asleep in the little bed we keep in there. Don't sorry I put the rails and blankets around her to keep her safe and from falling." Luke said plopping down on the couch and closing his eyes.

"Luke why don't you go back to bed and get some sleep?" Brian asked. Luke looked over to Brian with tired eyes. "Brian's right Luke you and Jonathan both need to go get some sleep since you only got 4 hours of sleep last night." Evan said and Jonathan stumbled forward. "Vanoss I know your looking out for us but we're fine. Yes we're tired but we can bare it till tonight after the spree we need to help baby (Y/N) first." Jon said sitting next to Luke.

"Yeah that's why I need you guys rested. Delirious, CaRtOoNz I need you to go get some rest Moo and Terroriser can watch (Y/N) for right now." Evan said using their gang names. "Alright Vanoss I give in but I probably won't get much sleep with my arm but I'll try" Jon said getting up.

After a few hours it was time to get ready for the mission. Jonathan got out of bed with his shoulder in pain. "Ah damn." Jon said grabbing his shoulder. Luke ran over to his side. "Jon are you ok?" Luke asked with a concern look on his face. "Yeah just my shoulder but its nothing bad." Jon said getting up wincing in pain.

Evan walked in seeing Jon in pain from his shoulder "Jon maybe you should stay here with Luke to watch (Y/N) and take care of your arm I don't want you getting hurt anymore." Evan said and Jon sighed. "Ok fine I'll stay." Jon huffed. Evan looked over to Luke and he nodded. "Alright take care of her" Evan said and they were off to do the mission

I know its late but you know me I'm a wired person I write it down on paper at school than type it out on here it just takes me a while 😜

Anyway I hope ye enjoyed goodbyeeee xD Kit out

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