The weak need a hero

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It's been a few days since the kidnapping and on Tyler's end he was being starved by Nanners. He felt weak and his skin was pale. "So Tyler how are you enjoying your stay down here?" Nanners asked. Tyler looked at him with his dull blue eyes. "What do you think you bastards have been starving me for the past few days." Tyler said in a weak but pissed off voice.

"Well I decided not to let you die because I might not see Anthony ever again if I do that so I'm going to unstrap you only because I know your weak and can't fight back." Nanners said as he unstrapped Tyler from the bed. "Here it's something to eat but if you try escape I added something to this room to make sure you never escape unless your escorted out by one of us." Nanners said handing Tyler the food.

"I don't want your s*****y food" Tyler said being stubborn. "Ok I'll just leave it on this table. Oh and guess what... You'll be able to see (Y/N) soon so I think you better eat before you scare her with your paleness" Nanners said as he took the food and sat it on the table then left the room. Tyler thought about it for a minuet then he decided to to eat.

He chugged down the food feeling some of his strength come back. After about 30 minuets Nanners came back with you in his arms. He sat you down and you instantly ran to Tyler. Papa Tylwer I'm scarwed" you said clinging to his leg. "(Y/N) it's ok I know it might be confusing because just a few days ago you were just a years old." Tyler said as he picked you up ignoring the fact that you called him 'Papa'.

You wrapped your little arms around his neck hugging him tight "I am confewsed and scarwed" you looked into his blue eyes with your (E/C) eyes. "I know you are but it's going to be ok don't worry" Tyler said glaring at Nanners. "Hey she wouldn't cooperate with us so I just decided to give her back to you but your still not leaving till I get Anthony back" Nanners said leaving the room.

"Hey (Y/N) you trust your daddy Evan to come and help us? To get us out of here?" Tyler asked and you nodded. "Yes I know daddy Evan will save us. I just don't want my real daddy to get me first" you said in a frightened voice. "Hey hey it's ok I'm not going to let him get you I'll protect you for Evan" Tyler said placing you on the bed.

*to the other guys after the kidnapping*
Evan woke up from resting all day and was instantly bombarded by all the guys talking all at once. "Whoa calm down what's going on?" Evan asked a little confused. "Evan... (Y/N) and Tyler have been kidnapped." Marcel said trying to make it not sound as sad as it was.

Evans eyes widened with sadness. He walked over to a wall. "We think it was Nanners crew because we have Anthony" Jon said and Evan got pissed. "Dammit" Evan screamed as he punched the wall making a hole. "Whoa Evan calm down we'll get them back" Luke said looking at Evans hand.

"You just broke your hand." Luke said and the adrenaline faded from Evans body and he felt the pain in his hand. "Ahh...S***" Evan said grasping his hand. "Evan they probably want Anthony back so they took Tyler and (Y/N) for negotiation ." Bryce said. "I'm going to take Anthony and to their base so we can get them back I'll be back soon" Jon said then he left the room.

Jonathan went the cell room and saw Brock standing outside the door. "Hey Brock how is Anthony doing?" Jon asked and Brock looked over to him. "He's better why do you ask?" Brock said as he moved from the door. "I'm going to take him back to Nanners crew so we can get Tyler and (Y/N) back so let him out" Jon said and Brock unlocked the door.

"Come on Anthony I'm taking you back to Nanners." Jon said and Anthony gave him a confused look. "what but why" Anthony asked as he walked out of the cell room. "It's so we can get Tyler and (Y/N) back" Jon said and Anthony looked shocked. "Ok if it's to help Tyler than ok" Anthony said and the two walk down the hall going outside where they got in the car.

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