Your Test And Betreyal

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When you woke up you were hugging a teddy bear and everyone was all gone nowhere to be seen. "Daddy Evan? Papa Tyler? Godfather Jonathan?" You called out but there was no answer. You got of bed and saw the food on the table. You could feel your stomach growl but the food was cold so you didn't want to eat it.

Started walking to the door and opened it. Walking out into the hall you saw it was empty and quiet. You started to worry knowing this felt just like your dream. You walked to the living room and walk to the stairs there was a door on it so you climbed inside not knowing it was a blind spot for the cameras.

You hid not wanting what happened in your dream to actually happen. Evan was watching the cameras when he saw you disappear in a blind spot. He got a little worried but then remember the little door under the stairs. "Hey Evan how is she doing?" Craig asked walking up to the camera screen.

"I don't know she is in the closet under the stairs and hasn't come out yet she might be too scared from her dream." Evan said with a little worry. "Well what did you expect that dream really scared her." Craig said leaning on the back of Evans chair.

"I'm going to send Jon to go check on her." Evan said looking over to Craig then back to the camera screen. He saw movement around the stairs and soon saw something. "(Y/N)?" You crawled and heard someone call your name but Evan didn't recognize the voice. He looked at you and saw that you looked scared and also weak.

You struggled to get up but eventually did. You wobbled to the couch and tried to hide. You heard footsteps getting closer so you ducked and crawled quietly behind the couch up next to the wall. "(Y/N)?" A man called with a hard raspy voice. The footsteps stopped in front of the couch.

You laid down so it was harder for them to see you but it didn't work. Suddenly you were grabbed by your feet and yanked out into the open and you screamed in terror . "Aww you thought you could hide from us." The man that called your name said. You struggled to brake free but couldn't

"Sweet little (Y/N) your to weak to fight back." He said and with that something inside you sparked. Your eyes changed from your (E/C) to (R/Y) (Red or Yellow depending on your eye color and your choice). The guy holding you dropped you because you pushed him with a lot of power.

You fell to your knees and felt the power course through your body. You stood up weakly and looked at the man. "Wow extraordinary power you have there." He said and started laughing. Another man came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around your sides trapping your arms.

The power feeling came back and you started raising up making the guy leave the ground. "What the hell." The man said as he let go and fell to the floor from ten feet. "Come on lets get out of here." A woman voice said from the front door. Everyone ran out and you fell back to the floor.

Soon enough Tyler and Jon ran in and up to you. You were breathing hard trying to regain your strength. "(Y/N) are you alright sweetie?" Jon asked worried. You looked up as him with your (R/Y) eyes. You looked away and blinked making your (E/C) return.

"No... you weren't there for me. They were close to taking me. I was scared and nobody was here." You said in a scared and upset tone with tears in your eyes. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry your Daddy Evan wanted to test you being alone but he didn't know this was going to happen" Tyler said helping you sit up.

You moved away struggling to get up and ran to the closet locking yourself inside. "(Y/N) open the door please we want to help" Jon said calmly. "No Daddy Evan... shouldn't have... done this... *cough*... I.. just want... to be... left alone." You said weakly. Tyler and Jon exchanged worried glances.

"(Y/N) did you eat that food that was left for you?" Tyler asked worried. "No it was cold... so i didn't want it *cough*" You said and then there was a thud in the closet. "(Y/N)!?" Jon hit the door making it brake. You were collapsed on the floor with pale skin. Tyler quickly picked you up taking you to the medical room and layed you on the bed.

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