About the baby

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Jonathan took you gently from Craig and stood in front of everyone next to Evan. "You may be wandering what the hell is going on so I'm going to explain now and I'll tell David later." Evan spoke in a calm voice so he would't wake you. "First of all when me and Jon arrived at the scene a young woman was holding a gun with a guy dead on the ground. The girl begged us to keep the baby safe and away from anyone else cause they could be a danger to her. Jon asked her how she didn't think we were a danger and she answered with 'Because I know y'all very well I consenter you guys as family you just don't know who I am... Well not yet at least.' She confused me so I asked her 'Who she was to this baby her mother?' She shook her head and replied. 'No I am not her mother nor a friend I just want to keep her safe and change the future.' Then Jon asked ' Who she was to her' The girl looked down at (Y/N) then looked back up.  "I'm.... Her.." She said before getting shot in the head. So Jon grabbed (Y/N) and he got shot in the shoulder so I took her and we started running." Evan said and he looked over to you.

"The girl also said that this baby was special and gifted." Jon cut in. He looked down at you sound asleep. "Evan if you don't mind me cutting in, when we were in the medical room this little child saved me and David. Its like she put some sort of barrier around us before the explosion happened." Brock spoke up. A few of the guys were shocked about what he just said. Brock gently took you from Jonathan.

He walked around the meeting room letting everyone hold you. Luke held you trying to be gentle. "Dang this tiny little baby has such great power. I can just feel it." Luke said handing you to Tyler. Tyler didn't really want to hold you but gave in when the others wouldn't stop bothering him. He held you close finally warming up to you as you slept. "Brock how did you help her so fast she looks as if she was never injured." Marcel said taking you from Tyler.

"Well I was worried at first but when she fell asleep it seemed as if she was healing herself but I still wanted to make sure she was ok so I got David to help and that's when we both noticed the wired mark on her back." Brock said grabbing you. You started to wake up and started crying. "Why is she crying all of a sudden?" Lui asked in his kid voice and that seemed to calm you down. "Lui keep talking like that its calming her down." Evan said taking you from Brock and handing you to Lui. "Hi I'm Lui I like cheerios and gummy worms." Lui said in his kid voice.

You calmed down and giggled at Lui. "Aww how cute she's laughing at my kid voice." Lui said in his normal voice. All the guys looked at you as you giggled. Your laugh being the most beautiful thing they ever heard. "Guys aren't we one of the top gangs in Los Santos city this baby is going to make us all soft and how are we going to go on missions with her here." Tyler spoke up.

"Tyler I got it planed out and no she's not going to make us soft when she grows up well just turn her into a bad ass" Evan said taking you from Lui. You looked at him with you (E/C) eyes and smiled. He smiled at you. There was a knock on the door and Craig went to go answer it. When he came back he said that it was someone for Evan and Jon.

The young woman from the accident walked in looking bad ass. "What the hell you got shot in the head how are you alive!?" Jon yelled/asked the girl laughed....

Sorry its short but I couldn't think of anything else but I do hope ye enjoyed

PS. I'm going to have you guys to comment a charter you want to be in this story so I need a person for each one of the bbs crew members and give me detail of what you charter I already got two girls but I just need to know who in the BBS crew you want to be with so CassandraAlavado and LieselotteSabbath let me know

Magical Mayhem BBS Crew x Baby ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now