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When you woke up you were laying on the floor in what looks to be a inside playground. You looked around to see a strange man standing next to the window. He turned around and noticed you were awake. "(Y/N)! your ok I'm so glad." He said running over to you.

You looked at him with confusion in your (R/Y) eyes. He gasped when he saw your eyes not being the beautiful (E/C) they were before. "(Y/N) whats wrong it's me Evan, Daddy Evan." When he said that a sharp pain ran through your head. "No Evan your not my dad." You said putting your hand to your head.

"(F/N) is my dad not you." You said and Evan was hurt by that. "(Y/N) my daughter come here." Your father ordered so you got up and ran over to him. "Daddy." You ran up to him. Evan was shocked at your actions. "(Y/N) I thought you were afraid of him." Evan said and you looked at him.

"Why would I be afraid of my daddy?" You asked confusion clear on your face. "What..." Evan looked over to your father. "What did you do to her?" Evan asked in anger. "Haha you don't understand anything do you? I have changed her she's no longer the little girl she wants was." Your father said laughing. Evan was to shocked to speak he was stunned.

"Come on (Y/N) are you going to help me?" Your father asked and you looked over to him. "Yes Daddy I'll help you with whatever you need." You said as you and your dad left Evan in the cold playroom.

*time skip (cause I didn't know anything else to say)*

Evan was sitting on the slide when the door opened and you walked in wobbling then fell to the floor. "(Y/N)!" Evan ran up to you and picked you up. He looked over to your father and gave him a death glare.

"Hey she said she wanted to help." He said smirking. Evan still gave him a death glare. "Alright well I'll see you tomorrow." He said walking out but stopped. "Oh and the walls will be electrified along with the playground fence." He laughed and fully left with the door being locked behind him.

Evan placed you on the only bed that was in there. You looked over to him with a tired look. "Why do you care so much about me? Im not even your kid." You asked/said. "Well (Y/N) I love you as if you were my own kid and all the other guys love you as if you were their niece, and Jon loves you as a goddaughter. So you're family to us we don't want you to get hurt." Evan sounded upset.

"Evan you seem like a good guy but I'm gonna stay with my daddy." You said and Evans heart broke. "I understand and that's ok but I don't want to brake my promise I have to you." Evan said with tears in his eyes and that's when it hit you. The truth of all your father is trying to hide from you.

You hugged Evan not knowing why. "Evan can you help me get my memory back I kind of remember being electrocuted through a helmet that was on my head." You said letting go of Evan. "(Y/N) your not actually thinking of touching the playground fence are you?" Evan asked and you nodded.

"Its the only way I could get back to my normal self so yes and I know it might hurt but its my choice." You said and Evan sighed. You walked up to the fence and leaned back on it. The electricity flowed through you in an instant. You screamed in pain but forced yourself to stay up.

When you got to weak you fell to the floor still conscious. You used whatever power you had had left and destroyed the electricity by putting up a magnetic filed. You felt your eye lids getting heavy and you looked over to Evan." me..tell me..what I and everything about me.." You said weakly. He smiled lightly and nodded.

"Well when me and Jon first found you, you were in the arms of a young woman trying to save you from all the guys after you so she gave you to us and told us to protect you so I promised her that I would. When we took you back to our base you were hurt and so was Jon. After you healed yourself you were almost kidnapped by one of our old crew members but we caught him and that's when you wanna Tyler were kidnapped and somehow you became three by age acceleration or something. So Jon got you back and I was so happy. When you feel asleep from the bad dream you had I decided to test you and I regret it but you are such a sweet little girl and I care about you like you are my own daughter" Evan finished and you finally closed your eyes not being able to keep them open any longer.

When you woke up you were laying on the bed. You sat up and saw your father holding Evan by the neck. You took immediate action and threw your father across the room with your powers. You jumped off the bed and ran over to Evan.

"Daddy Evan are you ok?" You asked worried and he looked at you shocked. "Yeah but did you just call me daddy Evan?" He asked and you gave him a confused look. "Yeah why wouldn't I your my Daddy Evan." You said and he pulled you into a hug.

"I missed your beautiful (E/C) eyes and your beautiful smile." Evan said hugging you tight. You heard your father laugh and saw him stand up. "(Y/N) come here my daughter." He said and for some reason you started walking to him till Evan stopped you.

"No (Y/N) don't it's a trap." He said and you looked at him to show that your eyes were two different colors your left was your (E/C) and your right was (R/Y). You could feel the conflict inside yourself. You looked at both of them not knowing who to go to. Your father gave you a evil smile and you were lifted off the ground.

Your father had a vile of some sort in his hands and he threw it at you. There was a pain that coursed through your body. Before you knew it there was two of you. The you with your (E/C) eyes was the original and the you with (R/Y) eyes was a copy. Even picked the you with (E/C) eyes up.

"You can now leave but let me test something first." He said and walked up to the copy you. He grabbed her arm tight, she winced in pain and so did you cause you two were linked and connected. "Yep I was right they are connected so if you let her get hurt I will make you pay." Your father said and walked out with copy you following.

When they left Evan ran out of the room carrying you. He made his way outside where the cold breeze hit you both. It was the beginning of winter and night time so it was really cold. All you were wearing was a thin pair of leggings and a thin long sleeve shirt.

So I have been really sick the past few weeks and I know I promised that I would write over the brake but I was just so sick you couldn't possibly imagine how bad I felt and even as I write this I'm still sick but I couldn't hold out on y'all much longer so here you go and I'm sorry that its terribly late but I hope ye enjoy ❤

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