Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, Isabella sat in her Uncle's tent, playing a game of draughts. While she did this, Ben spoke quietly around a fire to Caleb about the spies within the camp.

"Ben, he has sat down. Now is the time. Don't mess this up." Caleb spoke softly, not wanting anybody else to hear.

Ben stood up and brushed himself off as Caleb did the same thing. Ben began making his way over to Bradford as Caleb went to hide behind one of the wooden holding cells.

"Ah Bradford, you survived..." Ben said as he quickly walked up to the drunk soldier.

"Are you disappointed?" He sneered back.

"I must admit, I am a bit. I heard what you tried to do to Isabella," Benjamin said as he walked away from Bradford. Naturally, Bradford stood and ran after Ben.

"Come face me, you stinking Judas!" The traitor called out. "I can give Isabella so much more than you ever could."

When he finally caught up to Ben, he grabbed him by the shoulders. "Funny you should say that...." Ben hinted.

From behind the holding cell, Caleb jumped out and pounded his fist into Colonel Bradford a few times. He knocked the man out cold and drug him by his feet into the holding cell.

Meanwhile, Ben made his way to the General's tent. "I need to speak with the General," he said to the guards.

"He is already engaged in something," One of them responded.

Without warning, Billy, Washington's slave, popped his head out of the tent. "The General will see him." Billy ushered Ben in through the tent flap.

Major Tallmadge saw Isabella sitting at a table playing draughts with her uncle. She sent him a big smile that warmed his heart.

"Major Tallmadge, Sir." Billy motioned to Ben.

Ben offered a slight bow as General Washington looked up from the game. "Congratulations on claiming the first victory of the year."

"It was the Army's victory," He began coldly. "And that only in the most forgiving sense of the word."

"We turned them, Sir," Ben had to bite his lip to keep from saying what he really wanted to. "We saw their backs. They won't soon forget that and neither will we."

Washington stared at the game in front of him and offered a slight nod. "A symbolic victory, then."

When the General continued to stay silent, Ben decided to speak up. "Your Excellency, there is something I need to ask you."

Washington locked eyes with his niece and they shared a knowing smile. "How long did I know Lee was a traitor?"

Ben looked around, slightly surprised.

"Ever since you passed along the message from 3-5-5 in Philadelphia." Washington finished.

"But, sir..."

"We merely had to wait for the proper time to deal with him, and with the proper amount of discretion." The General explained.

"Like a public shaming?" Isabella spoke up, drawing the attention of both men.

"Yes, better he be court martialed as a failure than as a traitor. There can be no security without secrecy." The General added.

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