Chapter Twenty

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Isabella made her way to Ben's tent after giving Anne the letters. She told the older woman about how Ben requested that she meet him in his tent. Anne gave a sly smile and told Isabella to "be smart."

Isabella disregarded that because she knew Ben was a gentleman and would never expect her to do something like that.

She stood outside of his tent and spoke up. "Ben, I'm here. What did you need me for?"

He opened the tent flap and motioned for Isabella to come in. She had never been inside his tent before. It smelled a bit of dirty clothes that needed washed but the rest of the tent was impeccably organized. He had a collection of books stacked in alphabetical order on his desk and his letters were all stored away in a wooden chest.

"What is it you called me here for?"

"I need your help... with something." He informed her.

"What is it exactly?"

"I am going on a journey... and I need you to help me prepare for it." He explained. "I shouldn't be gone for more than a day but I can't be in uniform."

Isabella stepped towards him until there wasn't much space between them. "Ben... what are you doing on this journey?"

"You don't want to know..."

Her heart fell. She knew that Ben was going in this journey to kill somebody.

He placed his hands on hear waist and pulled her closer. "I am truly sorry... I don't wish to kill another person just as much as you don't want me to... but I have to."

She looked up at him, "I understand. Duty is duty."

He pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers. They stayed like that for a moment, their lips moving in sync. Isabella pulled away from the kiss first.

"What can I do to help?" She asked, still standing impossibly close to Ben.

"Can you get me civilians clothes from the pile in the infirmary?" He asked.

"Of course. I'll be right back." She left the tent and went to the infirmary in search of clothes for Ben.

While she was gone, Ben packed food, his gun, a compass, and extra ammunition in a satchel. By the time Isabella came back with the clothes, the only thing he had left to do was change out of his uniform.

"Here you are. There's a nice, warm coat in there too." Isabella said, handing Ben a bundle of clothes. "But tell me, Ben, how long will you be gone?"

"I should not be gone longer than a day. I will do the deed and return shortly after that." He explained, taking off his shirt to change into the new one.

Isabella looked away sheepishly. She worked in the infirmary, she saw shirtless men every day. This, however, was different. She actually had feelings for Ben.

Once Ben was finished, he slung the satchel over his shoulder and turned to Isabella. He cupped her cheek with his hand.

"I love you, Bella." He whispered as he gently caressed her cheek.

"Don't talk like you're never comingback..."

"I'm just letting you know in case anything happens to me, God forbid."

Isabella sighed and rested her head on his chest. "I love you too. Be careful out there, Tallmadge. You better come back to me." Isabella teased.

"I will... I will always come back to you, you're stuck with me." Ben laughed.

"Good. I wouldn't have it any other way." With that, Isabella pulled Ben close and kissed him. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was full of emotion and unsaid words.

They broke apart and smiled lovingly at one another.

Isabella walked out o Ben's tent with him and over to his horse. "Bye, Tallmadge. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Washington." He said with a wink. "Oh, and don't let Caleb go through my stuff while I'm gone."

She smiled at him before walking away, back the infirmary. Ben hopped onto his horse and rode out of the back of the camp after Reverend Worthington.


That night, as Isabella was walking back to her tent, she passed Ben's tent. From inside of it, she could hear rustling. When she walked in, she saw Caleb riffling through Ben's trunk.

"Caleb, what are you doing?" She asked .

He jumped up, startled. "I-I..."


"I owe money to somebody but the only problem is, I don't have any. So I figured, I could borrow some from Benny-boy while he's away and pay him back later."

"Caleb, Ben specifically instructed me not to let you go through his stuff. How much do you owe?" She asked, getting an idea.

"Six pence." He said quietly. Isabella reached into her dress pocket and pulled out some money.

"Here you go, now leave Ben's stuff alone." She told Caleb.

"I-I can't take money from you." He stuttered.

"Just pay me back, it's fine." The Truth is, Isabella had a bad day after Ben left and all she wanted to do was go to sleep. One of the other women who worked in the infirmary was yelling at her and a few of the younger girls gossiped about Isabella right in front of her.

"Thank you, Miss Washington." Caleb offered a small bow before leaving Ben's tent. 

"Just call me Isabella." She called out to Caleb in vain. He was already out of ear shot.

Isabella was now alone in Ben's tent. The light from the camp fire nearby was the only source of light. She sat on his bed for a minute because it looked more comfortable than hers. Before she knew it, her heavy eyelids became even heavier and she fell asleep.

That night, Isabella fell asleep on Ben's cot in his tent.

At the same time, somewhere in no man's land, Ben woke up slumped over the back of a horse.

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