Chapter 30

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~The day of the ball~

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~The day of the ball~

Isabella had spent all day with her aunt and Peggy. The three of them had so much fun preparing for the ball together. After all was finished, Isabella ended up dressed in a forest green dress with white lace that complimented her dark hair and eyes, and her tan skin. Her aunt gave her a pearl necklace, a pearl bracelet, and pearl earrings. Peggy had done Isabella's hair partially up and curled the rest. In short, Isabella looked and felt beautiful.

When each of the women was finished getting ready, they made their way downstairs where the festivities were. The men were already down there and guests were expected to arrive shortly.

"My, my, my... Isabella Washington, I am shocked." Isabella turned to face the voice she knew as her uncle's. "My dear Isabella, you look wonderful."

She smiled at her uncle and hugged him. "Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself."

He chuckled at her teasing nature. By now, the guests were starting to pour in. Peggy came over to the Washington's in search for Isabella.

"General, I hope you will not mind if I borrow your niece. There are a few people I would love to introduce her to."

"Not at all. Enjoy yourself tonight, Bella." He bade his niece a goodbye and she followed Peggy to where a few people were standing in a clump.

"Freddy, Elizabeth- this is Isabella Washington, niece of General George Washington." Peggy said to two people from the crowd. "Isabella, this is my sister, Elizabeth, and my close friend, Freddy."

(Author's note: this isn't Elizabeth Schuyler but I needed another character and Elizabeth was a pretty common name)

"It is lovely to meet you both." Isabella said with a friendly curtsy.

"And you, Miss Washington." Freddy said, kissing the top of her hand.

"Yes, I have heard all about your brilliance." Elizabeth said kindly.

Isabella was shocked. "Really? What is there to tell?"

"I have simply heard that you are one of the smartest women in the colonies."

"Oh, thank you..." Isabella said. She had no idea that is what she was known as... but she liked it.

Peggy leaned closer to Isabella, "Have you seen the Major at all today?"

"No, I have not." She answered with a sly smile.

"Well why don't we try to find out where he is at?" Peggy said with a wink.

Isabella smiled knowingly and the two girls linked arms. "Elizabeth, Freddy, I am going to help Isabella find somebody."

"Bye, Peggy." They said in sync.

"If I were an arse-kissing Major, where would I be?" Peggy asked.

Isabella laughed at her friend and her surprising use of foul language. "Probably missing some arse with with the other officers."

The two girls walked into the ballroom to find most of the officers who had been invited talking in a small clump. "You were right." Peggy said with a laugh. "Now, we can do this one of two ways. You can dance with different men all night but never make eye contact with him or you can get really close and personal with one. Personally, I think the first option is best."

"Then the first option it is. Who should I dance with first?"

"Definitely Lieutenant Williamson, Arnold's right hand man." Peggy said with certainty, pulling her over to the young man. "He's a sweet boy, you'll like him."

Isabella turned to look at the man Peggy pointed out and locked eyes with Ben briefly. Though she looked away, she could feel Ben's eyes studying every inch of her.

"Somebody noticed me," She whispered to Peggy.

"I guess now is as best a time as any to start those dances then." Peggy turned on her heel and walked over to the orchestra, asking for the perfect song for a first dance. The music had begun and when Peggy came back, she brought Isabella over to Lieutenant Williamson.

"Lieutenant Williamson," She called out to him.

He turned around and greeted her with a bow. "Miss Shippen, how lovely to see you."

"Thank you. This is my dear Friend Isabella Washington, the General's niece. I thought it would be nice to introduce you two." Peggy said.

"Well, it is lovely to meet you in person, Miss Washington. I have heard much about you." He said, kissing the top of her hand.

"Peg- Miss Shippen has told me much about you as well." Isabella said warmly.

Lieutenant Williamson took note of the couples dancing around him. "Would you care for a dance, Miss Washington?"

"That would be lovely."

He took hold of her hand and lead her to the dance floor. This young man was certainly very attractive. He had light blonde hair, sun-kissed skin, and bright blue eyes. He couldn't have been much older than Isabella and he hasn't been in the war for long. His beautiful smile revealed that.

"So, Miss Washington, how has camp life been treating you? I hear you are in your uncle's camp as a nurse." He asked as they danced.

"Please, just call me Isabella. I am not one for formalities. But camp is wonderful. Everyday there is something to do. I guess it gets boring sometimes but I can usually cope with it." She explained.

"Well, that is great to hear. And, if I am to call you Isabella, please call me John."

"Well, John, you are General Arnold's right hand man?"

"Yes, I guess you could say that."

"What does that entail?" She asked.

He explained what he did for Arnold. It seemed exactly like what Hamilton did for her uncle. Overall, she really did like Lieutenant Williamson. He was kind and smart. She couldn't find anything negative about him other than they didn't click like she and Ben had. But she put that to the back of her mind.

The night passed much like that. Isabella danced with plenty of men that Peggy introduced her to but it usually never went further than that. She didn't feel anything towards them. However, she often found Ben's gaze upon her while she danced with the other men. Overall, the night was a success. And it was all thanks to Peggy and aunt Martha.

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