Chapter Eleven

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Sorry about the long wait, I am quite busy with all the tests I'm having at school :\ But at least the chapter's here! I'm not quite sure I like this one... In fact, I don't think I like it at all. But I can't be bothered to change it, so eh...

Thanks for all the comments and votes I've been getting, and for the fans too :) Makes me happy that people like what I'm writing :)

Oh, and just a warning, there are quite a few POV changes in this one... hehe, sorry :)




Ashton growls impatiently. I whimper at him, pawing at his leg as much as I can. Ashton looks down at me and makes a whining noise in the back of his throat. He nuzzles his face into the side of my head. He rests his head on the back of my neck gently.  

My back and hind legs are making me feel uncomfortable, because they are aching as if they are bruised.  

Ashton licks my head softly, and whines.  

I still feel frightened. That... nightmare... was just horrible. It's scaring me.  

Somewhere in the back of my mind I realise that I am shaking a lot. 

Something doesn't feel right about this and that dream.

The two humans start the Ute and drive off. 

I start to wish I had mind-link with Ashton so I could talk with him. But I can only have that if I am in his pack.  

Barely ten minutes later the car stops and the humans hop out. The older one comes around to the side where I am collared.  

Ashton moves his head off my neck to allow the collar to be taken off. The older human reaches into the back and picks me up lightly, ignoring my whines of protests. Ashton barks at him angrily, growling, and jumps out of the Ute heavily. He's so big he reaches up to the human's head, though he hunches down a little to look smaller. 

I get carried inside into a very medical looking room, and get placed on a hard, silver table. It's cold, and makes me flinch away from it.  

Ashton stands up on his hind legs and leans against the table. I shuffle forwards and press my nose into his chest, which is a high as I can reach.  

Ashton watches over me almost possessively as I lie on the table, shivering and shaking and still teary eyed. I feel like a mess. 

The humans both come back into the room. The older one stretches out my back legs, testing how sore I am. 

I whimper when pain starts to hit my muscles. Ashton growls.  

The older human feels through my tangled fur where I was cut. He winces a little. "Pass me the bandage will you, Blake." He says, holding his hand out. 

Blake, the younger human, hands him a roll of bandages. "Here, Tim. What's wrong with her?" 

"Nothing too bad. Just a cut." Tim answers. 

I wait until Tim has finished bandaging the cut, tense and stiff. When he finishes, I slink off the table and drop onto the floor. I crawl over to the corner of the room and curl up there, trying to be as small as possible. I want my Mummy and Daddy, but they aren't ever going to come back and get me. They are dead. Gone. 

Ashton drops back onto four paws and pads over to me. He squishes in behind me and puts his leg over my body comfortably. I try to hide in the curve of his body, feeling even smaller than before.  

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