Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the long wait, I was busy with exams and I didn't have much time to write. i think this one is a tad shorter than the other chapters... sorry :)

Hope you enjoy!!

Oh, and a BIG THANKS to all my new fans :) :)

Oh, one more thing. The spacing is screwing up in this a lot, which annoys me :( I'm trying to fix it, but it isn't really working.

*Recap ends at 'I turn back around to run after my little mate'. Again, the spacing is screwing up... sorry...


(Ashton's POV) 

My ears flick forwards. I lean down and pick Rosy up by the scruff of her neck. Because she is so small and I am so big, it's easy for me to carry her. She stirs and looks around with her sleepy blue eyes.  

I walk outside the clinic surrounded by forest and put her down lightly. She whimpers in pain a little as her bruised body gets moved.  

I nudge her forwards gently. She starts jogging slowly; testing out how sore her hips and hind legs are, with me following right after her. I turn my head back once to nod at the two humans slowly, who beam back at me happily.  

I turn back around to run after my little mate.

Leading Rosy back home takes a long time.  

She is in pain, and I don't like that. So I make her walk slowly, make her adjust to having bruised hips and legs. I don't want her to open the cut on her side, either. 

So I make her be careful. 

If there is a dip in the ground, or a rock in the way, or a log across her path, I do something about it. I lead her away from it, around it, or I carry her by the ruff of her neck.  

I just don't want her move hurt than she already is. She's my mate; what can I say?  

It's getting late and we are just barely half way there. I look down at Rosy and notice how tired she is. She's even dragging her paws under her.  

Reaching over I pick her up by the scruff of her neck again and carry her through the trees. She yelps in surprise, but doesn't do anything to get out of my hold. I carry her to a small outcropping of rocks that are sticking out of the ground. 

I put Rosy down in a small crevice that is hidden from the views of others at most angles. It's very secure and safe. I lie down in front of her and put my head down. She does as well.  

Soon enough we both fall asleep.

When I wake up, the sun is shining on my back and there isn't any wind blowing through the trees. Rosy is still asleep, so I decide to leave her like that. 

Standing up as quietly as possible, I lope away from the rocks in search of food for Rosy. It's not that hard to do, food around here is very plentiful.  

Ten minutes later I am trotting back to Rosy with a rabbit hanging from my jaws. It doesn't feel safe leaving her alone, so I want to get back to her as fast as I can.  

When the outcropping of rocks comes into view, my eyes immediately look for my Rosy. She is awake now. Rosy is cowering right back against the rocks, her body shaking a little. Her eyes dart around everywhere and her ears are upright and flicking back and forth.  

I dart up to her, feeling worried and guilty.  

Her eyes flicker over to me, before she whines quietly. 

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