
14 1 1

After stopping and running some errands, i finally get home. Pulling up to the house thinking is this how its going to be. Me come home to just my son. I think it's time to sit and have a heart to heart with Liam. I deserve to be happy, and so does my son. Definitely not trying to replace his father but hey Liam is a great guy. Azrael needs a man like him in his life. Teach him how to be a man the proper way. I can teach him how he should treat a woman, but I would never be able to really teach him how to be a man. Only a man can do that.

Coming out of my thoughts I see some movement coming from one of the windows on the second floor. I wonder if John is looking for that money. Little does he know that i did find it, and he is never going to get it. I know in his mind I am still stupid, naive Taina, but I surprise surprise have the money. Obviously not in my home because that would be plain dumb. No i invested the money as soon as I found it. All of it and I do mean all is in my son's  name. Azrael will never have to worry about money or anything ever again.

Grabbing everything out of the car, I open the front door immediately looking for my son. Walking into the foyer I hear the tv on and Azrael singing along to Teen Beach Movie. I stop at the door way and watch my son bust some of his moves, and enjoy and take in who my son is. I must say he is a great kid.

"Hey mommy!! How long have you been watching me?"

I didn't even realize that he had stopped and turned to look at me. Giving my son a million dollar smile and go hug him.

"Hey lil man. My day was ok. Had a great work out. How was your day with your dad? By the way where is your dad?

"My day was awesome mom! Dad showed me how to play baseball and we had lunch. Dad said he was going to clean up the kitchen, but he has been gone for a while now."

I started to get up to walk away to find John. When Azrael stops me.

"Ma I almost forgot. Guess who came to the house? And don't be mad either because I know you hate when people just show up. But Liam came by mom!!! He really came back! Mom why are you just standing there. I know you missed him mommy. I used to hear you cry at night for him mommy. But its ok because he came back.... Mom are you okay?"

I couldn't believe it. He came looking for me. I can't even be mad or anything. Oh I wish i could've seen John's face when he saw Liam. Take that you piece of crap. How you like me now.

Ok now back to issue at hand.

"I'm ok baby just a little shocked, but not mad. I would never get mad if Liam came here. Now sweety I'm going to go and look for your dad. Be right back."

As bad as I want to call Liam right now and just say come over. I have to focus on the situation at hand, and that ladies and gentlemen is to play the dummy as long as possible. I need to wait for the right time. They say vengeance is a plate best served cold. So lets let it freeze.

Walking down the hall, I looked into the kitchen. Saw that it was empty so i continued. Turning the corner I checked the laundry room and the garage. Still empty. Turning around I walk back down the hall and head towards the library. I know he wouldn't be in there but you just never know with him. After realizing he wasn't in the library i made my way up the winding stairs. Reaching the second floor I see John walking out of Azrael's room. Looking a bit flushed. Remember T play it cool. I kept telling myself.

"Hey I was just looking for you. I just got back. Sorry i took so long. I ran a few errands on my way home."

"It's. cool T. Azrael and I had a great day. We enjoyed ourselves very much."

I bet you did.

"That's great John. I'm glad you guys are bonding the way you guys should. Which brings me to my next topic. Why don't  we go into the library and finish this conversation. By the way, John why are you up here?"

"Oh i came to put away some of Azrael's things that we had taken out to play with.

I could see the struggle in his face. He was trying to put this mask on so that i wouldn't be able to tell that he is lying. But I can see right through it. Nodding my head i turn and go down the stairs, and straight to the library. John hot on my tail.

Entering the library I tell John to have a seat on of the old antique Victorian couch. After I off her him a drink, I get straight to the point.

" Well John I have been some thought into you taking Az for the weekend. Now before you get ahead of yourself I have to make some things clear. You will not be acting a fool around my ...I mean our son. And your whores are not to be around our son."

I notice his face twitch a bit. By the looks of it he wants to explode. He stands and strides towards me. Towering over me, and yet no fear on my behalf. In a menacing tone he leaned so close i could feel his breath fan across my face.

"Let me get this straight. You can bring what's that assholes name again? Liam! That's his name. You can bring him around OUR son, and i can't bring my girlfriend around him!"

"First John get the hell out of my face! Second do you even have a girlfriend? "

He gritted his teeth with frustration coursing through his veins. He closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath and shook his head.

"Exactly John! You don't have one, so any woman you bring around OUR son is a whore. Furthermore Liam is a great man and has proven time and time again he deserves to be in Azrael's life. So John if you want to be able to take Az those are my terms. Take it or leave it."

John turns and looks out the big bay window. He takes a deep breath in. I can tell that he is fighting with himself, but this matter is final. There is no changing my mind. He turns and faces me once again with determination in his eyes.

"Fine T. If that's the only way i get to take my son then so be it. But I will say this if I ever find out-"

" Now now John choose the next words out of your mouth wisely. Remember that your in MY house and I will not tolerate any bullshit from you. Please keep in mind that you loss any right pertaining to our son when you walked out, and decided that YOU couldn't deal anymore."

Thankfully I kept calm and my voice to a minimum,but my tone was sharp and ice cold. I definitely didn't want to make a scene with Az in the house, but I'm sure he got the point.

I walked over to my desk and pulled out the chair to sit down. I cleared my throat to grab John's full attention. John also came over and sat down. Once I was sure I had his full attention I began speaking again.

"So John like I said I have put much thought into this situation, and I am okay  with it. Just don't make me regret this John."

He didn't bother to finish his last statement. He simply got up and walked towards the door. Turning around he looked at me with hatred burning in his eyes. But as quickly as I saw it it was gone. With that he turned and left. I am sure to say goodbye to his son. I didn't have enough energy to walk him out. Being this nasty person like him just takes out so much energy. Leaning back in my chair, i close my eyes and just breath. I need to relax and compose myself. No need in worrying my son. Just can't shake the feeling that he has something planned and I'm going to be facing it soon.

OKAYYYYY watcha think? I did some editing but anyway there it is chapter 11 for yall. hope you have enjoyed it so far. and if u havent then go find another book to read my faithful readers THANK YOU!!!!! LOVE YA!!!! AND I'M OUT!!!!! OH YEA





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