Chapter 14 :) (FINALLY LOL)

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To say we gof to finish that night would be a lie. Unfortunately being a parent is a full time job. There are no days off. Don't get wrong I love my son but come on I haven't gotten laid in quite some time now.

Things have been going well for Liam and myself. We actually have a date tonight. I know it may seem a bit corney but hey what can I say I'm a sucker for romance. John has been still trying to get me to see things his way. I swear that man is as dense as a rock. I have come to just ignore the man. If it doesn't have anything to do with our son then it's not important.

I have noticed that he is becoming more and more jittery. Always looking over his shoulder. When he spaces out in thought and I call his name loudly he jumps. Something is definitely off with this man. Fortunately for me that has stopped being by problem the day he turned his back on his family.

Seeing as I have this date with Liam tonight, John will be here in two hours to pick Azrael. He begged me to let him stay the night and well like i mentioned earlier i need to get laid. So i agreed even though a part of me keeps warning me not to. As any mother I am very protective of my baby. I have always followed my gut feelings and my gut is telling me no screaming at me to change my mind. Unfortunately I know that would kill Azrael more than his father. When i told him that he was staying the night at daddy's he jumped and screamed of joy.

Here I am sitting at my vanity in my silk red robe applying some light make up. Thankfully god had granted me with a nice skin tone so overly used make up isn't necessary.

It's 6 o'clock in the evening and the sun is very low in the sky. In two hours I will get to see the man I love. Just thinking about it i get nervous. We have come a long way and I just don't want anything to mess it up.

Finally done with my make up i satnd and make my way over to my walk in closet and grab my dress for tonight. Looking it over I am very pleased with my selection. Liam had said it would be formal so i went with a beautiful cherry red silk dress. The length goes all the way down. The top has a seductive deep neckline but not to deep so it looks trashy. The back well the back is the best part. It's completely open up til my wait. With only a string of crystals connecting side to side in the middle of my back. I have decided to pair with silver pumps. The pumps have crystals on the heel part of it for affect.

Finally dressed and looking at myseld i have to say I am very please on how it pulled together. Looking at the time I see that its 7:30 which means John should be here any minute. Grabbing my clutch I head downstairs to see Azrael sitting at the table coloring.

I ruffle his hair. I can't believe how big my baby boy has become. I couldn't be more proud to have him as my son. I am thankful for the things that I have had to go through because it has made me stronger and wiser. Who knows if things had been different how it would have been. What kind of person I would have become. Needless to say that is one life I am thankful that I didn't need to live. For myself or for my son.

Right on que the door bell rings and I already know who it is. This should be interesting. Already k owing who it is I open the door to see John standing there. His eyes slightly pulled together looking around like if something is going to jump ojt of my bushes.

Hey are you ok? You don't look so well. Are you sure you want to take him? I don't have an issue canceling my plans for tonight.

Once he realizes that I am speaking to him he jumps slightly. This dude is definitely a bit on edge. His eyes open slightly and his jaw opens into awe looking at me from head to toe. I guess I still got it huh.

Clearing my throat I once again get his attention. I know for fact something is off but he asked for a chance to prove himself. I just hope to god I don't regret this.

Hey T, yea I'm good it's just been a long day. Shit it has been a long week. You look amazing by the way. Beautiful as ever my love. Is Azrael ready? I actually jave to get going so if you could call him that would be great.

Yea he's ready. His bag is here by the door. Everything that he may need is in the bag. If anything happens just call me and I'll come home as quick as possible. Please don't hesitate to call me. Please.

Calling Azrael over I kiss him lightly on his forehead. Wishing him well i send him on his way with my heart feeling a bit heavy. Closing the door I step back into the kitchen and walk over to my locked liquer cabinet and pour me a shot of brandy. I usually don't drink like that but right now I need something to calm my nerves.

Liam will be here soon and I just can't wait to get this day started. We have come a long way and it is time to celebrate that. I just hope that by the end of the night I will get laid.

Yes I know it has been quit some time. My job takes a great majority of my time. Then add being a parent and I rarely get a chance to even breath. I know i left this like that but its just a filler to what is coming. Things are going to turn. People will change and love will be put to the test. Stag with me be patient and we will both find out where this road ends for them all!!!✌

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