Chapter 6

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          Unknown P.O.V

Sitting out here is taking the most out of me. I wish  could be home with my lovely lady. Who by the way is in bed just in her sexy bra and panties. If it wasn't for this stupid dick owing Blake money, my ass would be home. Now I have to be watching his every move to make sure he doesn't skip town. Blake is just buying time until that right moment to strike. How many ass whoopings is John going to endure before he pays Blake. This shit is getting old real fast. If it was up to me I would've killed him a long time ago. Fuck the money. Wait who is this chick leaving his house he always said he lived alone. Oh Blake is going to love this. Knowing Blake he will take the girl. Anything to get what he wants. Shit he probably take his momma if she denied him anything. I guess it's time to pull out the cell and give Bake the great news!!

            Liam's P.O.V

The look on her face was something between shocked, anger, hurt and confusion. I never wanted her to find out like this. I always planned on doing it in a much smoother way. Shit I don't even know if there is a smoother way. I just couldn't be patient anymore. Seeing her at work was driving me crazy. Not being able to touch her, hold her, and kiss her was killing me. I just hope that piece of shit ex-husband of hers isn't fucking with her. so help me god I might kill him if I see him. He cant even call himself a man. Especially after what put her and his only son through. Light sobs brought me out of my thoughts. I completely forgot where I was.

" T, please allow me to explain" She all of a sudden looks up at me and I can see the pain written all over her face. Her beautiful face was covered in tears. Even then she still looked gorgeous.

 " Liam is it really you? You vanished. I know I was pushing you away, but you knew my situation. Yet you left . I thought you cared enough to stick around. I have tried so hard to forget you. To push you out of my heart. I know I never told you, but I did love you. I know it's my fault, but I was terrified. Especially after what I went through with John. I know I am damaged goods."

Did she say she loved me? Was I hearing shit? She said she loved me, so she doesn't love me anymore. What the fuck did I do! " T, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have left the way I did. And I did care about you. Shit I fucking still care about you, and I love you always have. I wasn't ready either. I realized that the same time I had fallen in love with you. First I had panicked. You told me you weren't ready for a relationship, and I understood. It was just so hard not to fall in love with you. T, you are an amazing woman.  Then shit came up. I had to deal with that before I could think about a relationship. I had to take care of some family shit, and make shit right without putting you and precious lil A in danger." I guess through me talking she ended sitting on the love seat. She still had tears coming from her eyes. The one woman that loved me for me and not my money was sitting here crying because of me.

 " Liam please stop talking. Right now I have so much on my plate, and now this. I don't have the strength to go through this. I still do love you. Besides John you were the only other man to make me feel whole. Liam your going to have to give me some time to grasp this whole situation. Now to top it off your my boss."

Fuck! Right now I just want to reach out to her and fuck the shit out of her. Excuse me guys, but this woman is fucking beautiful inside and out. I have to keep telling myself that I did this to her. I start to make my way to her slowly. I don't want to startle her, but I need to hold her. I know it'll calm me down. Her scent is so intoxicating. I reach out to her, and she jumps a little. At that moment I wrap my arms around her and bring her closer to me. That's when she completely breaks down.

       Blake's P.O.V

I had just gotten the call that this stupid motherfucker has someone in his life. Last time we had our "chit chat" he declared that he had no one. No family. Nothing. Now I see he is just trying to play. I will get to the bottom of this. He will pay for lying to me. Everyone thinks this is about money. Honestly I have enough money of my own. That shit was chump change to me. My interest are some where else. Only through him I can get what I really want. You see him and I go way back. We used to do our share of dirt. After a while he wanted different things, so we had went our separate ways. He completely forgot about me and went on with his life. After a few months, I realized that he had robbed me. I go looking for him and to my surprise I find out he got married. I had decided that I was gonna take the lil bitch from him until I saw who it was. Taina! Oh man, that woman is what you call a real woman. I grew up with Taina's family. I have watched her since I was 11. Always had the one and only crush. I cant put her through this. I just couldn't figure out why would she want his lame ass. I never approached her because like I said she is an amazing woman. Me I am scum. I hurt people for a living. When people have a hard time getting what they need from people then I come in. I am what you call an enforcer, hustler. I make due. Shit a man has to eat.  Maybe she doesn't know the real man standing in front of her. Believe me if she knew she wouldn't have married him. That's when I chose to do this differently. Yes the money was the start but I now want her. If I cant have her no one can. I was going to kill him a long time ago, but then I got news she divorced his sorry ass. Oh John she saves you again.. Now here I am I find out he has another woman. So now I will use this to find out where my lovely Taina is. I need to see her again. I know I am a selfish bastard but you know I don't give a fuck! I just want to take care of her and make sure is ok. I know I can never have her. She is to good for me. I just want to be there. Especially after I found out what he did to her. What kind of man does that shit. That's when I put my plan back into full affect. I want him to feel pain. I want to make him suffer the way he made my precious Taina suffer. I will see him suffer. I will take everything away from and leave him with nothing. The money is just an excuse to cover my real reason. No one knows my feelings for Taina and no one will ever know. Not even her!

      Taina's P.O.V

I woke up in my bed. How the fuck!. Wait that wasn't a dream. Liam was here! That's when everything came flooding in. He is my boss. He is Mr. Johnson! how didn't I see it earlier. I mean I saw the features but shit with the things going on I wasn't really paying attention. I look around and my house is empty. He actually put me to bed without sex. I find a note simply telling me that he is going to give me time to think. And that he will always be waiting for me. Liam is such a great guy! They say things happen for a reason. Maybe it was  meant to be this way. At least I know now that he does love me and he knows I love him.

That's when the panic sets in. How the hell am I going to face him at work after tonight. It's 4:30 in the morning and I have to get up in less than 3 hours. Oh I know I will be a mess at work. I have to pull this off so no ones thinks anything. Last thing we both need is a scandal at the job because of little old me.

Part me wants to jump up and down and scream. YEA BITCHES HE IS BACK! But I won't. the other part of me is still confused about everything. I wonder what were the things that he had to keep me and Azrael from. I am thankful though that he thought of my son. Fuck me, but to put my son first when he isn't is by blood just speaks on the type of man he is. Is that going to make me run into his arms...HELL THE FUCK NO! this needs to be worked out. I'll be damned if I go through what  I went through with john all over again with Liam.

Oh my Liam how I have missed you. All my wet dreams! That's the only think that has me sane are our memories of being together. I have never had to go looking for a man just to fill those needs because his memory alone and what he used to do is enough for me.

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