chapter 6 Baia and the Belikova's

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The night at the hotel was thankfully uneventful. And now that the sun was up we were piling into several SUV's. All of Abe's guardians were coming with us. Just as well because we had four moroi with us and three of them were royal. I wish they could get a break too though.  They were all working hard while we were technically on vacation.

In our SUV we had Pavel and Eddie up front. Abe, Lissa, and Christian in the middle. And mom, Dimitri, and I in the back. That way the moroi were protected front and back. Adrian decided someone had caught his eye and wanted to ride in that SUV. Lord help whoever she is. Abe just chuckled like he knew some secret. I'll find out later though. I always do.

The drive to Baia did not take as long as I'd hoped. After my talk with mom, my nerves had settled for the most part. But I was truly afraid of how upset Olena was going to be with me. She meant so much to me. She had helped me so much when I was here last. We made it to their neighborhood and Dimitri's hands started shaking in mine. And just like that I knew I needed to be brave for him. I would do this for him and them even if they hated me.

Abe's guardians got out first we had parked a few houses down. A few of them and Dimitri were going to stay at the cars. Pavel would escort the moroi with me, mom, and Eddie. The rest were to fan out around the neighborhood. I turned to give Dimitri a kiss to reassure him. It was a simple kiss but he got the message.

" Will you two cool it already?" I turned to glare at Adrian when something or should I say someone caught my eye. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen her before. I guess she brought one of the extra SUV's and the extra guardians this morning.

" Sydney?" so this is who had caught Adrian's eye. Now I understand Abe's snickering, with us being evil creatures of the night and all.

" Only you could do the impossible Rose." and with that we all started laughing. I walked up to Sydney and gave her a hug. It was good to see her again. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed her. She was a good friend and a nice addition to our group.

We stood around making a plan, I would go to the door while the rest stayed a few feet back at the car. I would get the family outside and then we would call for Dimitri. I just hoped they didn't slam the door in my face. I loved the Belikov's and they were family to me.

So with the plan set we all climbed into one SUV and made our way to the house. I took a glance back at Dimitri and oddly enough it seemed him and Sydney were deep in conversation.

We pulled into the driveway and I took some deep breaths, and we all stepped out of the vehicle. Lissa was trying to be calm for me, but I had to block the bond her nerves and mine would make it worse. I started walking to the front door while everyone else stayed by the car. I heard people inside talking so I took one more breath and knocked on the door.

I heard a voice saying something in Russian as the door opened and there stood Olena with a dishtowel in hand. She still looked like the same sweet woman I had met a few months back. But I could tell she had been crying recently. Probably for her lost son if I had to take a bet. Well I was here to change that.

" Roza? Oh it is you!" and I was jerked up in this tiny woman's arms. How she ever gave birth to a man like Dimitri I would never know. She pulled back to take a good look at me. I smiled at her. It was good to be back here. I would always cherish my time with them.

" Where did you go? I get up and your gone, no note or anything. Yeva said you'd be fine, but nothing more. Do you know how worried I was? Oh and Vika she has done nothing but blame herself." I was sorry but I'd had to do it.

" I'm sorry Olena, but there was something I came here to do and I had to do it." she got a sad look on her face. I couldn't stand to see it there. It was breaking my heart. I turned to Abe and he nodded and made the phone call. When I looked back I barely saw the person coming at me before I was on the ground.

" Roza, I'm so sorry I didn't mean any of it. I was so stupid. You are my sister I love you. Sonya told us everything Rolan really is little Roza's father." I stared at Victoria as she helped me up and then at Sonya with a tiny pink bundle.

" I named her after the aunt that risked her own life to come here and tell us about Dimka and go off to save his soul." I heard Lissa say awe through the bond. I could have cried right there had it not been for two things. One Paul had stepped toward me and was almost as tall as me now. And two I heard a car door shut behind me and everyone in front of me gasp.

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