chapter 10 Meet Oksana and Mark

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I woke up to the sunlight coming through the window. It was nice not having to be on a vampire time schedule. Dimitri was still asleep beside me, his arms wrapped securely around me. This was a feeling I would never get tired of. He looked so peaceful, which was a good thing because he'd had a fitful sleep last night. His eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me and smiled. That smile already made my day.

" Good morning Roza" good lord I had missed that name, the sound of his voice, just everything about him.

" Good morning." he placed a kiss on the top of my head and we just laid together while he played with my hair. He had always loved it. I decided I should check on Lissa. She was sitting in a room at my fathers her, Christian, and Adrian had just finished up with a feeder. They were just waiting for Abe to finish up and they would be heading our way. She really wanted to go meet Oksana today. I would have to see about making that happen. I decided it was time to get ready and get some breakfast so I pulled out of her head.

" Is the princess alright?" oh so he is going to start that again. I needed to break him of that, she hated being called princess.

" Yes Lissa is fine. They will be here soon." I got out of the bed and headed for my suit case. I needed a shower. I could feel Dimitri's eyes on me. But of course I didn't have anything on and I was standing there pretty much taunting him. I shouldn't be so mean. I got all the stuff I needed out and turned to look at him. His eyes were nearly black now.

" Would you like to join me in the shower?" yep that's all it took he was out of the bed and had some clothes in his hands in seconds and we were in the shower. Oh and what a shower it was.

An hour later we were down stairs and everyone was already at the tale.

" Nice of you to finally join us Rosie." I was seething at the nickname. Dimitri pulled me into a seat and Lissa smacked Christian in the back of the head. HA serves him right. Damn fire crotch.

Breakfast was amazing, Olena's cooking has always been the best. We had decided that we would all go see Mark and Oksana. Yeva had apparently already made arrangements last week. I hope she doesn't have any more garden bricks for me to lug along, although this time we have a car. I looked over and that old woman was smirking at me like she'd just read my mind. Sometimes she could be downright scary, but I had a lot of respect for her.

We had to take two vehicles with everyone going. Yeva insisted Olena come with us. What did that woman have up her sleeve? So in our car it was Dimitri and I in front. Olena, Yeva, and my mother in the middle and Abe, Lissa, and Christian in the back. It was funny watching Yeva Belikova tell the great Abe Mazur to climb all the way in the back of his own vehicle.

When we got there Mark and Oksana were standing outside and as soon as I stepped foot out of the car I was smothered in a hug from her. Before I met Dimitri it had always been just me and Lissa. And now I had all these people who truly cared for me. It was a good feeling and I even had both of my parents.

" I'm so glad your here and safe. And I'm glad what Robert told you worked. I was so worried that if it didn't we would all lose you forever." I looked at her ad then around at everyone else, I could see it on all their faces they agreed with her. I didn't realize they had all felt that way. I thought I had put on a strong front even though inside I was completely broken.  And Lissa had actually hidden all her feelings about it from me. How did I not see it? I looked at Olena and Dimitri they were the only two that weren't in on all of this. Dimitri for obvious reasons and Olena because I never wanted to get her hopes up if it didn't work. Olena left Dmitri's side and came towards me.

" Oh honey I knew you were broken about it. it didn't take much to know you loved my son from the moment you said his name and explained what had happened. When I found out you were gone I thought you were going to be gone forever." I didn't know what to say.

" I'm sorry I put you all through that. I didn't mean to." they all nodded, they knew. And with that said it was time to change the subject, and who better to do it then me!

" So who wants to learn more about spirit?" and just like that all was forgotten and Oksana, Lissa, and Adrain spent the morning teaching each other what they knew about spirit and learning how to do the different things they could do. The rest of us sat around and talked and watched them work.

" Oh before I forget I made you another ring Rose." Oksana got up and left the room to get it. She came back and gave it to me. I could feel the magic was strong. Good it would be needed with the amount of spirit Lissa had been using. Oksana also taught Lissa how to heal some of it from me.

We told Mark and Oksana what the queen had offered us and it was decided that they would come and help get the spirit lessons started. It had been a good day. We made our way back to the Belikovs by dinner and when we were done eating everyone went their separate ways for the night. I could definitely get used to days like this. But right now I needed to talk to Yeva. I needed to know what she knew. She had been giving Dimitri and I looks all day her and Olena both....

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