chapter 11 Dreams

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I told Dimitri my suspicions he agreed that we should talk to both Olena and Yeva. So we went in search of them downstairs. They were both in a deep conversation and didn't notice us come into the room. I cleared my throat and Olena just about dropped her tea cup. I felt bad for scaring her. But I had a sneaking suspicion we were the topic of their conversation.

" I thought you two had gone to bed?" my suspicions were confirmed they had been talking about us and we had spoiled it.

" We did but then we remembered how weird you two acted towards us all day and we wanted to know why that was!" they looked to each other and Yeva shrugged her shoulders in a way one would do if they had lost an argument. Olena looked back towards us and motioned for us to sit. Well this might be bad if we had to sit down for it.

" Yeva had a dream, and the reason we went to Oksana's today was to ask her some questions about it." ok so now that I'm intrigued I wish they'd get to the point. I wanted to know what she'd dreamed about. They took our silence as a go ahead to continue.

" In the dream you two had a child, now the possibility of that is suppose to be impossible but we had our theories. But we wanted to ask Oksana too. Apparently with you being shadow kissed and Dimitri being restored with spirit you two should be able to have children." well you could have knocked me over with a feather. And Dimitri was smiling. This was good news. Even great news. The one thing I thought I could never give him I finally could. We could have a family.

And again spirit has done something amazing. Olena gave us both a hug and walked out of the room going on about finally being able to get grandchildren out of her only son. I had to snicker at that. But when I turned back towards Yeva the smile came off my face. There was more to her dream and I wasn't sure I wanted to know. But I knew she was going to tell us anyway.

" Your children will be very special." what that's it? um ok! This was not the time to be cryptic. Not about this. With my sarcastic side rearing its ugly head Dimitri squeezed my hand letting me know now was not the time. So I pushed it back and nicely asked.

" And that means what?" she shook her head at me. Oh lady you are going to tell me. My temper was starting to get the best of me now, all sarcasm gone. I needed to go upstairs and get that ring. Dimitri grabbed my hand sensing my distress and I clamed down some.

" I cant tell you yet only when the time is right." and with that she got up and walked out of the room leaving Dimitri and I sitting in a shocked and somewhat aggravated silence.

" Well we will have special children. But they will have the most bad ass parents in the world so it only seems fitting." Dimitri laughed and pulled me to him. All my anger was gone. Now I was just thrilled that we could have kids, our own kids. Dimitri's face showed so much happiness and love. We kissed, it was sweet and loving and fit this moment perfectly. I was starting to imagine what our children would look like.

And then I heard the squeal in my head. Oh god what now...

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