Chapter One

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A/N: Warning this book talks about serious matters such as mental illness, please read at your own discretion.

Taehyung opened his eyes to a soft buzz coming from next to him. He turned slowly to see that his phone had lit up and was showing that he had an Instagram notification. His eyes widened and he quickly got up and grabbed his phone, unlocking it in seconds.

Jeonjungkook has posted a new photo.

Taehyung grinned, clicking on the notification which brought him to Instagram. He stared at the picture of his favorite person, who was smiling at the camera while winking. He thought for a second, before liking the photo and leaving a comment.

"Hot as always babe x"

Taehyung grinned, putting his phone to the side and laying back down. He closed his eyes and smiled, thinking about what it would be like to meet his idol.

He thought of how their first kiss would be, they're first date, they're first time having sex, marriage, anything that can happen in a relationship.

He thought of how nice it would be to wake up and see the boy sleeping next to him. He'd caress the boys hair, admiring his natural beauty and staring at him for hours. Just thinking of it made him excited.

Taehyung isn't obsessed.

At least, he wasn't willing to admit it. In all honesty, he was infatuated with the younger boy, who didn't even know he existed. Taehyung has posters of him covering his walls, so much you could barely see what colour the paint was.

His phone lock and home screens were him, hell, even his bed sheets said "I <3 Jeon". But to Taehyung, he was just a crush, nothing more.

Absolutely nothing more.


"Black?" Jin asked, turning to Tae as he reached for a handful of coffee beans. Taehyung nodded, not paying much attention to the other male as he was staring off. Jin walked over to the kitchen table and sat down, taking a bite of toast as he looked over at the dazed boy.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled quietly after talking a sip of milk. Taehyung turned to him, blushing slightly. He was daydreaming of Jungkook, but wasn't going to admit it and get laughed at.

"Just lost in thought I guess." He said, hearing a small ding come from his phone. He looked at the screen and grinned as he saw his favorite idols name appear for the second time that day.

Jin and Taehyung had been housemates for almost two years now, along with Hoseok. They all met in college and formed a small pact with each other. Jin was the one who cooks and cleans, Hoseok did laundry and dishes, and Taehyung went shopping every weekend.

"Oh my god." Taehyung's mouth dropped open as he stared at the photo, clearly shocked. Jin raised an eyebrow, wondering what happened. He softly hummed, indicating for Taehyung to speak up.

"J-Jungkook's coming to Daegu..." Taehyung voiced trailed off, still showing signs of amazement. Jin had known of Taehyung "crush", but didn't care much. He never bothered to ask him about it.

"Oh, cool." Jin chuckled before standing up and putting his plate in the sink. "Well, you have fun with that, I'll be in my room." And with that, he left Taehyung alone, still staring at his phone screen.

Hey guys! Just got informed that this Saturday I'll be doing a small meet and greet in Daegu after a small acoustic show. Tickets can be found in the link in my bio, hope to see you guys there!

Taehyung stared at the tweet for what felt like hours, still not able to process it. Like a switch had flipped, Taehyung dropped his phone and ran at full speed to his room, barging into it. He jumped on his bed and opened his laptop, nearly breaking the keys as he typed in the link.

His eyes scanned the page of events and shows that would be happening in the past week, and his eyes widened as he saw Jungkook's event in the list. He quickly clicked on it and put his credit card number in, not hesitating at all.

Once the order was finalized, Taehyung let out a sigh of relief, he was scared the tickets would sell out before he could get them, but luckily he was one of the final 30 to order. He fell on his back on the king sized bed, smiling widely.

Visions flashed through his mind of how they would meet and talk. Taehyung would slip Jungkook his number and they would text all the time and eventually get married and raise a family together. Taehyung was certain for sure Jungkook would love him back, he knew it for a fact. He would make the boy love him.

He closed his eyes, hoping the next day would fly by and he would get to meet his kookie soon, before slowly drifting off to sleep, where he would dream about the event.

A/N: This wasn't even 1k words it's 900 but I don't like filling in random stuff to stretch it, so this is just gonna be short and sweet. Also, I'm extremely excited to start this, I've been thinking of it for a while now and I'm finally doing it lol. Hope you guys enjoy, and be prepared for a bumpy ride. :]

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