Chapter Four

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A/N: so I found out you can get paid on here if wattpad contacts you so everyone tag wattpad lmao Wattpad

Btw that ^^ is Tae's outfit and YUM


Stress and frustration. Those are the only two things Taehyung had felt the rest of the night. Him and Jungkook had decided to meet at one thirty pm at a park near Taehyung's house, and he couldn't be more nervous.

Just like for the meet and greet, he scavenged his closet but found nothing. He looked through the clothes again and again, before finally giving up and deciding on black dress pants and a blue shirt with white lines. The shirt made his muscles very easy to see, and he felt content with the choice.

Doubt still lingered through his mind as he walked down the street towards the park. He passed house after house, his anxiety growing bigger by each second that passed. "Calm down Tae, you're fine." He mumbled to himself, trying to relax.

He jogged across the street and entered the small park, filled with benches and a small playground on the opposite end. He remembered that Jungkook said to wait for him at a bench, and he would be there shortly. The brunette sat at a large picnic table near a small garden filled with different types of flowers.

He stared at the flowers, examining each one carefully. Most of the flowers were small and yellow, but there were some blue ones that caught his eyes. He wondered how they got there, since there was only about two blue ones within the probably hundreds of other yellow flowers.

"Hey." A voice spoke, making Taehyung turn around quickly. He knew that voice instantly, it was imprinted in his brain. He turned, and sure enough, it was him. Jeon Jungkook.

The boy smiled brightly as Taehyung patted the seat next to him. He sat down and turned to Taehyung, who was staring at him.

"So, Hi. I'm Jungkook." Taehyung chuckled and nodded. "Wow, really? I didn't know. I'm Taehyung." He mocked, making the younger boy giggle.

"You're really here." Taehyung breathed out, his voice lazed with amazement. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him and cocked his head to the side.

"You thought I wouldn't show?" He pouted afterwards. Taehyung chuckled and grinned, staring at him fondly. "Well, you are super famous." Taehyung pointed out, which made Jungkook nod his head.

"Not too famous to not go on a date with you." Jungkook smiled again, showing off his bunny-like teeth. Taehyung blushed a bit but quickly hid it, not wanting to show his affection just yet.

"You look even more handsome than before." Jungkook said, grinning at the older boy. Taehyung smiled widely at the compliment and turned around, looking forward at the playground across from the park.

"Thank y-" He stopped, noticing an old woman that was staring at him. The woman had a look of confusion mixed with disgust on her face. Taehyung didn't know what to do, so he just stared back. The woman's eyes widened once he made eye contact. After a couple of awkward moments, she began to walk the park's cobblestone path once again.

"That was weird." Taehyung muttered, shaking off the intense stare she had given him. Jungkook turned and looked at the woman who was now almost near the playground. He raised his eyebrows before turning back to the older boy.

"Whatcha wanna do?" He asked in a cute voice, making the other boy grin. Taehyung bit his lip for a moment, eyes wandering the park as he thought. "There's this bakery down the street, wanna go?"

Jungkook giggled and nodded. "I love sweet things!" He jumped up, clearly excited. Taehyung chuckled as he began walking, the younger boy following him. "I know." Taehyung cringed as the words escaped his mouth, he didn't mean to say it. Luckily, Jungkook just giggled and didn't reply.

Soon they arrived at the small bakery. The room was filled with the soft scent of chocolate mixed with freshly baked bread. Taehyung closed his eyes as he sniffed in the air, smiling contently. He walked closer to the counter, where there were muffins and donuts on display.

"What do ya want?" Taehyung asked the giddy boy, who was bouncing up and down in place. Jungkook squinted as he stared at the menu. "A chocolate muffin!" He squeaked out, his voice breaking on the word 'muffin'. He clamped his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with embarrassment.

Taehyung chuckled, muttering a quiet 'how cute' before walking to the man behind the counter. "Hey, can I get two chocolate muffins please? One for me, one for my date." Taehyung grinned as he pointed to the still blushing Jungkook behind him.

The cashier, who was looking down, nodded and typed in the order. "That'll be five fif..." The cashiers voice trailed off as he looked up. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at the middle aged male. The cashier looked at Taehyung, then to Jungkook (who Taehyung who was still pointing to) then back to Taehyung.

"Five fifty." He finished his sentence, his voice now sounding much more annoyed. Taehyung raised an eyebrow before grabbing his wallet and getting the money out. He exchanged his money for the bag of muffins. Before he could grab the bag though, the cashier dropped it and it fell to the ground.

"Freak." The cashier whispered as Taehyung picked the bag up. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows at the man, but soon shook it off and turned around. "Let's eat." He said to Jungkook, who was looking at him with a confused face.

They made their way to a small table in the corner of the store and sat down across from each other. "I wonder what that dudes problem was." Taehyung muttered as he got the two muffins out. "It's cause we're both dudes and you said I'm your date." Jungkook said in a monotone voice.

Taehyung looked up at him and sighed. "You're right. Homophobic prick." He rolled his eyes before handing Jungkook his muffin. Jungkook accepted the muffin with a smile, before biting into it.

The two boys talked about random things as they ate, occasionally looking over to see the cashier giving them a death glare. They soon finished and Jungkook told Taehyung he would walk him home, because he was a gentleman. (Also because his management still needed to pick him up).

"So." Taehyung started as they approached his front door. "This is my house." Jungkook giggled and looked up at the taller boy. "Then my job here is done." He grinned before stretching his arms wide, asking Taehyung with his eyes. The older boy smiled and hugged him tightly, smelling the cologne he was wearing. Taehyung decided it would be his new favorite scent.

The boys both ended the hug and smiled at each other. "This was amazing. Text me when you get home?" Taehyung asked, opening his door slightly. Jungkook smiled widely and nodded, before waving goodbye. Taehyung waved back before entering his house and shutting the door.

He sighed contently and leaned against the door. In all of his life, he had never expected to have a perfect day. A day where everything went right and fell into place. Well, today had proved him wrong. It was beyond perfect, beyond anything Taehyung could have ever imagined.

He could feel something growing inside him that he had never felt before. He shook it off, guessing it was just butterflies. He searched through his mind, looking for the word that described the current situation. After a few moments he had thought of a word he'd heard a lot recently, but shook it off as it didn't fit him. The word lingered in his mind for the rest of the day, even right before he went to sleep.

The word was too creepy, it made him sound like a weirdo. Taehyung wasn't a stalker, just a boy in love. A boy who wouldn't come to terms that the word he was thinking of described what he had perfectly, down to the core.

He refused to believe he had an obsession.

A/N: I just really love this story okay aghhh don't mind me probably gonna spam update because I finally can ahhh

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