Chapter Five

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A/N: this is cute ok bye

Taehyung sighed contently as he locked his phone. He had previously been texting Jungkook, but sadly the other boy had to go to the studio to record some new songs.

The boy lifted off of his bed before stretching his arms out. He felt a pain in his back from laying down so much, but he didn't care. Texting Jungkook all night was worth it.

He walked out of his room and towards the kitchen, where Jin sat reading a newspaper. "Really? A newspaper?" Taehyung chuckled, his voice groggy from only just waking up. Jin rolled his eyes before turning back to the paper in front of him.

"It's interesting!" He defended, sighing when Taehyung shook his head. "Whatever you say." Taehyung got a bowl out of the cabinet before walking towards the fridge. "Wanna know something way more interesting?" He asked, getting the milk out.

"What's that?" Jin asked, removing his attention from the newspaper and giving it to the boy pouring cereal. Taehyung smirked, knowing Jin would most likely jump out of his skin if he told him.

"I went on a date with Jeon Jungkook yesterday." Taehyung said proudly, still smirking. Silence hung in the air as Jin stared at the boy, a blank look on his face.

Suddenly, Jin snorted and began laughing hysterically, his face slowly turning red. "That's s-so funny!" Jin panted out in between laughs, holding his stomach. Taehyung stared at him with a deadpan face, not understanding.

"You laugh at everything." He muttered before taking his cereal to the table and sitting down. "Seriously, I don't get what's so funny about it." Jin wiped away a stray tear, still chucking. "It's funny because it's not true."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You're really not going to believe me?" Jin giggled once again before standing up. "You really are a good jokester, Tae." He walked to his room, still trying to control his breathing after laughing so hard.

Taehyung sat at the table, eating his cereal, still very annoyed. First Jin and Hoseok had laughed at him about him giving Jungkook his number, now this? He thought of ways to prove himself to Jin, like taking a picture with Jungkook.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, pulling him from his thoughts. He grinned at the text from the younger boy, responding in mere seconds. 

Kookie: hey cutie :)

Taebaby: Hey <3

Kookie: so I was thinkin

Kookie: wanna go to the movies today?

Taehyung bit his lip, the corners of his mouth turning upwards slightly. This was the second date they had gone on in two days, but he wasn't complaining.

Taebaby: sure, what time? :)

Kookie: ill pick u up at 8 <3

Taebaby: ok <3 

He locked his phone before grinning and going back to his cereal. He thought of the entire past weeks events, and how extremely lucky he was that everything fell into place. If anything, it was a bit suspicious that it all worked so perfectly, but he shook the weird feeling off.


"One sec!" Taehyung yelled, throwing on his jacket as he heard the knock from the front of the house. He let out a quick breath to calm him down, before opening the door. There, stood Jungkook, wearing a green shirt and black jeans. "Hey." He grinned. "Hey." Taehyung smiled back, blushing a bit.

"I'm going out guys!" Taehyung yelled into the house before shutting the door behind him. "The movies is only a five minute walk from here." Taehyung assured Jungkook, causing the smaller boy to nod.

Throughout the small walk, they talked about various things. Such as Jungkook's recent album, his new hairstyle, and many more little details about his personal life. Once they arrived to the theater, Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook, causing him to redden.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick, I'll meet you in the theater." Jungkook told Taehyung before going over to the men's bathroom next to the entrance of the building. Taehyung walked over to the stand where tickets are sold and smiled.

"Two tickets for Happy Death Day please." The cashier smiled and nodded before looking up at him. "Two?" She asked, still typing in on the cash register. "My date is in the bathroom." Taehyung grinned, making the cashier nod and smile again.

"Here you go, enjoy your date!" Taehyung thanked her before opening the large door leading to the hallway filled with doors to theater rooms. He found the one he was meant to be in, theater 13, before opening the door and finding a seat near the back.

After a few minutes of Taehyung waiting, Jungkook finally walked into the theater. Taehyung raised his hands, signaling where he was. Jungkook walked over and sat down next to him, grinning. "How'd you know what theater to go in?" Taehyung asked, confused.

"There's only one playing Happy Death Day." Jungkook giggled, causing Taehyung to blush. "O-oh, I forgot." He said, feeling his cheeks redden even more. They were interrupted as the movie had started to play, making them both turn to the large screen.

After almost an hour of trying to watch, Taehyung felt as frustrated as ever. He couldn't focus on the movie, only the boy sitting next to him. He would constantly trail his eyes across the room until they rested on the brunette boy, who seemed very into the movie.

Taehyung turned a bit more, admiring the boys features. His nose was small, but not too small. His lips had a slight curve to them, making him seem constantly happy.

Taehyung widened his eyes as Jungkook turned to him, breaking him from his thoughts. "Are you staring?" He giggled. Taehyung shook his head slowly, his eyes trailing down the boys face until they rested on his lips. Jungkook did the same, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip quickly.

Taehyung's eyes flicked back up to the boys brown orbs, slowly leaning in. "Can I-"

"Please." Jungkook whispered, cutting him off. Taehyung leaned in and pressed their lips together, molding them instantly. His lips were soft and small, mixing with Taehyung's perfectly.

They moved in sync slowly, Taehyung closing his eyes out of pleasure. He brought his hand to Jungkook's lower thigh, before slowly sliding it upwards.  Jungkook whined quietly into his mouth, causing the older male to smirk into the kiss. He pulled back slowly, his eyes wandering the younger boys desperate face.

"Wanna come back to my place?" He asked in a deep voice, lust laced within his words.

A/N: I love this story so much I can't even describe it ahhhh

next chap should be up in the next couple days probably

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