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Sorry I'm a couple hours late to post this, school got me fucked up ya know

Anyways, I'm gonna give a brief summary of the story, and answer a couple of questions you guys still might have sooo let's go

Kim Taehyung was an obsessed fanboy of the popular Korean artist Jeon Jungkook. At one of Jungkook's many fan meetings, Taehyung gave his phone number to the younger male. The next day, Taehyung started to receive texts from who he thought was Jeon Jungkook, but was actually his two friends Hoseok and Seokjin playing a prank on him. He had told them both about giving his phone number to the idol, so Seokjin and Hoseok created a fake phone number and texted Taehyung. Taehyung began to think that he had romantic relations with Jungkook, which caused him to become delusional and imagine being with him.

After a few days of Taehyung thinking he was with Jungkook, the idol got into a serious car accident and sadly passed away almost instantly. The Jungkook who died was the real Jungkook, but the Jungkook who was a delusion died when Taehyung heard the sad news of the real Jungkook's death. Shortly after hearing the news, he went completely insane and tried to kill Kim Seokjin, but was detained before he could do too much damage. Kim Taehyung now resides in a mental hospital where he will most likely stay for the rest of his life, since he does not show any signs of getting better.

Alright, now to answer some things I know some of you guys are confused about !

So Hoseok and Jin were trying to hurt Taehyung?

No, Taehyung told them both about giving his number to Jungkook, and they agreed it would be a funny prank to pull on him. They were planning to tell him the day Taehyung and Jungkook went to the movies (that's why Jin entered the living room asking for Taehyung.)

Didn't Jin see Jungkook in the living room? And didn't the cashier look at Jungkook in the store?

Nope. See, I was extremely careful with this. Every time a person looked at 'Jungkook', they were actually just looking at the empty spot that Taehyung was pointing to. In the store, Taehyung was pointing to Jungkook when he explained his order, and Taehyung also pointed to Jungkook to introduce him to Jin. When Jin said hello to Jungkook, it was because he didn't know what else to do, he was just very confused, not because he could actually see Jungkook.

Was Taehyung crazy before he imagined Jungkook?

Yes. Taehyung had Erotomania and was Schizophrenic.  Erotomania is basically an illness where a person is so completely obsessed with another person that they begin to think they are very close with that desired person, and become extremely delusional due to this. It's honestly a very interesting topic, I suggest you read more about it!

Why did Taehyung try to kill Jin?

Taehyung blamed almost everything that happened on Hoseok and Jin because he couldn't accept that he was actually crazy. He believed Jin and Hoseok were lying to him to drive him and Jungkook apart. Because of this, he lost the few sane parts of him that he still had and decided that him and Jungkook would be much better off if Jin and Hoseok were not there.

What about Jungkook?

Jungkook threw away the paper Taehyung had given him almost directly after the fan sign. He's straight. He lived his life like a normal idol would until the day he died. He was heading to Hong Kong to preform when he was involved in a pileup that cost him his life.

So Taehyung stays in the asylum for the rest of his life?

That's for you to decide. I left this story with a pretty open ending, so go ahead and make up whatever kind of true ending you want. I imagine it that Taehyung will stay in the asylum for a very, very long time, and probably never get out. (Also, Taehyung starts to see Jungkook again in the asylum since he denies the fact that he's dead. This is why he pointed to 'jungkook' when Hoseok and Jin visited him. So don't worry, he's not THAT sad since 'jungkook' is with him.)

Well that's it. Damn. Another story completed. Honestly time is flying by too fast ;u; Ugh. Thank you all for being so supportive and just amazing in general! There have been a couple people who take the time to write a whole paragraph about how much they liked the story or how clever I was in some points, and you guys seriously mean the world to me! Those comments really make my day.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

Have an amazing day, beautiful. x

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