Chapter Seven

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A/N: this chapter talks about mental illness so be prepared

Taehyung opened his eyes, expecting to see the younger boy sleeping on him as he had done the night before. He briefly panicked when he realized he was wrong, and his chest was replaced with the feelings of cold and loneliness.

Jungkook was gone.

He sat up quickly, looking around the room in confusion. His eyes landed on a piece of folded paper next to him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he picked up the small paper and opened it.

"Had to go to work, will text you when I get out. -kookie xoxo" He smiled at the small note, his cheeks reddening a bit at the 'xoxo'. He sighed contently as he put the note back on the pillow and got off of his bed.

He walked into the kitchen with a large smile, seeing Jin and Hoseok sitting at the kitchen table. "Morning." He sung out in a peppy tone, sitting down across from Hoseok. Both of the older men had gloomy looks on their faces.

"Why do you both look so down?" Taehyung asked, squinting his eyes at the two boys. Taehyung was the only one in the entire house who seemed cheerful and happy, which made him feel slightly uneasy. He tried to shrug it off however, not able to clearly focus on anything else other than knowing that Jungkook was finally his.

Jin sighed and looked over to Hoseok, who nodded with sad eyes. Jin's face showed sadness and grief, which made the pit in Taehyung's stomach grow just a bit bigger.

"Taehyung..." Jin's voice trailed off. His tone was harsh yet soft at the same time, leaving Taehyung in a state of confusion. "What?" He chuckled, not knowing how to react at the intense mood.

Jin let out a shaky breath as he slid the newspaper he was holding across the table to the confused boy. Taehyung's eyes widened in horror as he read the article title in bold letters at the top of the paper.

Famous Korean singer, Jeon Jungkook, died in a car accident early this morning.

Taehyung shook his head, not believing what he had just read. "N-no..." He trailed off, looking up at the two boys with doubtful eyes. Hoseok bit his lip, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.

"Tae." He spoke in a hoarse voice, his voice cracking slightly. "D-did you ever get weird looks while you were out with Jungkook?" Taehyung choked back a sob, thinking back to the cashier and the old woman at the park.

"Yes but what does that have to do with this?" His voiced filled with anger, still not believing that his lover was gone. "Taehyung. I..." Jin coughed, swallowing back the need to cry out. He closed his eyes, a stoic look flashed over his face as he muttered the words that ripped Taehyung apart.

"Jungkook wasn't real."

In that moment, Taehyung felt every single cell in his entire body fill with fire and burn. His lungs and throat burned with the need to scream, his wrists burned with the need to be cut. He entire body burned as it shattered in front of his two best friends.

Taehyung stared at the male, his face going red from anger. He stood up so fast his chair fell backwards, slamming on the ground with a loud 'thump'. "Yes he fucking is!" He yelled, not bothering to control his emotions.

"You imagined him!" Hoseok yelled back, tears down pouring down his face. "Y-you have Erotomania and Schizophrenia!"

Taehyung felt as if all of the bones in his body had broken at once, and that all the blood was being poured from him as he stood there, shaking. He tried to compare it to when he was seven, and how he had almost drowned until his big brother pulled him out of the water. His entire body felt as if it was floating, and he was unable to save himself.

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