Chapter Three

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"You did not." Jin's mouth was hanging open as he stared across the table at Taehyung, who was grinning.

"I sure did." He replied, a smug look on his face.

"Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be your friend." Jin shook his head, still not believing that Taehyung actually gave Jungkook his number.

"What's so wrong with it? He'll text me, we'll fall in love, what's the big woop?" Taehyung asked, confused as to why Jin was reacting like this.

Hoseok walked into the room with an apple in his hand, sitting down on a chair in the middle of the two boys.

"What?" He asked, cutting through the silence that filled the room.

"This guy gave Jungkook his cell number." Jin spoke up, making Hoseok gag on the piece of Apple he was swallowing.

After managing to swallow the bite and not choke to death, he burst into laughter, holding his stomach.

"Y-you did?!" He panted out between laughs, face going red.

Taehyung started to get annoyed as both of the boys continued to laugh at him.

"Seriously, what's so funny about it? All I have to do now is wait for him to text me." Taehyung rolled his eyes as Hoseok laughed even harder after the statement.

Jin looked over to Hoseok, still chuckling as they locked eyes. Taehyung missed the small nod Hoseok gave Jin.

Hoseok wiped the tears from his eyes, still chuckling lowly.

"I can't believe it."

"Shut the fuck up." Taehyung said loudly as he stood up and left the room, leaving Jin and Hoseok to laugh alone.

Taehyung stormed to his room and slammed the door, not caring that he was acting like a little kid.

He flopped onto his bed, groaning at the impact.

He seriously couldn't believe those two. He didn't understand what was so funny or wrong about him giving Jungkook his number.

He had always dreamt of meeting Jungkook one day, them falling in love instantly. Taehyung dreamed to have a perfect life with Jungkook, one that you'd only see in movies and on TV.

Unexpectedly, Taehyung heard a low ding from his phone, pulling him from his fantasies. He groaned again, assuming it was either Jin or Hoseok apologizing.

He heard another thing and finally got up and walked towards his desk, which his phone was on.

He saw the screen flash, showing that an unknown number had texted him.


Like electricity rushed through his veins, Taehyung jumped up and grabbed the phone, unlocking it faster than ever.

Unknown number: Hey :)

Taehyung stared at the screen, wonder and shock filling his insides inch by inch. He knew it would happen, but he was still stuck in disbelief.

Taebaby: Hey :]

Unknown number: It's Jungkook by the way lol

Taebaby: I hoped it would be ;)

Kookie: so whatcha doin?

Taehyung gasped, forgetting to breath. He was awestruck, eyes widened to the point they could possibly break.

Taebaby: thinking about you ;)

He bit his lip, wondering if he was being too forward. He didn't want to scare his love away, he wanted him to stay forever.

Kookie: oh really? I was thinking of you too

Taehyung felt his entire body heat up, going red at the statement.

Taebaby: you remember me ?

Kookie: how could I forget a cute face like yours

Taehyung felt a pang in his chest, wondering if he was having a heart attack. His mouth was completely dry as he smiled at the compliment.

Taebaby: you're the cute one! Don't lie lol

He cringed at the "lol", wondering if he should speak formally to his crush or not. He rolled his eyes at himself, remembering that he was older and he could speak however he wanted to.

Kookie: whatever you say babe

Taehyung eyes grew impossibly wider, a cough caught in the back of his throat. He wanted to yell out and share his happiness with the world, but Jin and Hoseok would probably never let him live it down.

Taebaby: what made you text me? :)

Kookie: I wanted to get to know you

Taebaby: whatcha wanna know then

He decided to try and speak as if he was calm, not wanting to show his nervousness to the famous boy. If he did, Jungkook would probably think he's creepy and run off.

Kookie: why do you like me so much?

Taehyung's eyebrows stitched together as he reread the message, confused. He had trouble thinking of a response, still confused by the unexpected question.

Taebaby: cause you're you

Kookie: wow I finally understand now lol

Kookie: seriously tho what's so great about me

Kookie: I don't get it

Taehyung was even more confused now, wondering why he was asking such weird questions. Is he insecure? Does he not know how amazing he is? Does he just want to test my loyalty?  Thoughts flooded Taehyung's mind as he thought of a response.

Taebaby: Well, you're cute, and funny, and nice, and sweet

Taebaby: and you have the voice of an angel, literally your voice is amazing

Taebaby: you're seriously just perfect in general, what's not to love

Kookie: thank you :)

Taebaby: sooo, wanna meet tomorrow?

Taehyung felt his heart race as he sent the text. He bit his lip nervously, watching as the "Kookie is typing" sign appeared and disappeared several times.

Kookie: I don't think so

Taebaby: oh :(

Taehyung frowned, feeling his heart sink at the rejection. He had never felt such a terrible feeling, like someone was pulling his heart straight out of his chest. He let out a sigh as he saw with blurry eyes that he had received  new message.

Kookie: actually sure, I can

Taehyung smiled, his mood completely changing. He went from basically having a panic attack, to jumping out of his skin from excitment. One thought still lingered in his mind. What made him change his mind so quickly?

Taebaby: It's a date :)

Kookie: See you then cutie

Taehyung shut his phone off and laid back on the bed, smiling like a child. His mind soared through the clouds, imagining what their first date would be like. He fluttered his eyes shut, grinning to himself. He imagined Jungkook's face in his head, smiling and laughing as they ate strawberries together. He felt himself start to drift off, muttering one last thing before completely falling asleep.

"Goodnight, Kookie."

A/N: this story is my child okay <3 I love it so much ahh anyways this was just a quick and cute chap :,] next update will be soon hopefully (not that anyone reads this except for Corrie lmao) hope you guys enjoyed !

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