I. Complications

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Bellamy's POV

"Raven why aren't we moving? Murphy demands, the frustration and fear evident in his voice. Emori is clutching his hand, pale in her helmet. She may have lived for six plus years in space, but travelling in a rocket was causing her some anxiety.

Raven is frantically flipping controls and pressing buttons, her panic growing evident on her face with every passing second. We were supposed to have left the Ark a couple minutes ago at our predetermined launch time that none of us wanted to miss. Not that we could've anyway when Raven hooked the rocket's radio up to the loudspeaker system ensuring that we all heard the countdown.

"Reyes," I bark. "Talk to us." Raven tears herself away from the controls and looks at me, but I have a feeling she isn't really seeing me. Her eyes focus on something above my head, seeing equations and logistics none of us could even comprehend.

"I don't understand," she mutters, her eyes glassy as she stares off into the distance. "I ran all algorithms and calculated every possibility... What am I missing?"

Echo grabs my hand and I squeeze it, reassuring not only her but my panicking mind. "Raven," Echo says softly. "Hey, talk to us. Tell us what's happening."

Raven's eyes focus on Echo and I see some of the tension leave Raven's shoulders. "Monty, remember that one problem we talked about?" she calls.

"Yeah?" He answers, his eyes closed as the sweat pours down his face. Harper is sitting next to him, her hands clasped around Monty's which are resting in front of her stomach. And their baby, I remind myself. She's about four to five months along. Monty treated Harper and her baby bump with all the care in the world and I know he was nervous about how the trip would affect them; we were all worried to be fair.

"Well it's happening," Raven says.


"Yeah, shit."

"Uh hello?! Will some one please tell us what is happening?" Murphy barks. Raven glares at him. The two of them may have become close during our years on the Ark, but Raven still couldn't stand him sometimes. Personally, I thought they were too similar.

"Well Murphy, if you must know," Raven says snidely, her anger evident.

"Yeah I must," he interrupts. "We all must know, Reyes, so spit it out!"

Raven sighs and exchanges a glance with Monty, who I think is competing with Emori to see who can be paler. Focus Blake, I tell myself. "A glitch in the system has caused the automatic release on the doors to fail. We need to manually open them."

"Okay so let's do it," I say, not understanding the big deal.

"It's not that simple," Raven says with a grave shake of her head.

Monty mimics her head shake. "Someone needs to physically press the button but when they do, the hangar doors will open and they could be sucked into space."

"Oh," says Murphy, his anger dissipating as the dire situation forces fear to replace it. Him and Emori exchange worried glances and I see Harper grab for Emori's hand.

"I'll do it," Echo says, somehow already out of her seat. We all whip our heads around at her declaration.

"No!" I yell. I need her to understand how serious I am. "I can't lose you too, Echo. I need you." My voice cracks but I could give two shits if Murphy or the others care. All I can see is Echo and another hole in my chest if she leaves. "Echo please," I beg.

Echo looks at me sadly and removes her helmet. "I'm doing this for you, for all of you," she says. There is no fear in her eyes and I'm reminded of when I found her attempting to take her life six years ago. Despite her cool exterior, I had saw the fear in her eyes and I was able to comfort her. This was a different Echo now; she's stronger and surer of herself. "Bellamy," she whispers, coming as close to my face as she can. "I want to thank you. I love you. May we meet again." She kisses the top of my helmet and I feel a tear slip down my cheek. She replaces her helmet and with a nod at Raven, who is too shocked to disagree, exits the rocket.

Final Journey to the Ground: A Bellarke ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now