V. Regrouping

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Bellamy's POV

"Sho hu du u fink deez munthers are?" Murphy asks shoveling food into his face as fast as he could manage. Was he even breathing?

Emori rolls her eyes from her spot next to him. "Come again, John?" She says softly. "And where are your manners?"

Murphy rolls his eyes good-naturedly but swallows the massive amount of food in his mouth. "I said- so who do you think these monsters are?" He burps and reaches for another roll. Monty smacks his hand and points at Murphy's already full plate.

"Eat what you have, you animal," Monty says. Emori giggles at Murphy's sour face and softly kisses his cheeky. Jude giggled from his spot on my right and snuggled into Raven's side, as he nibbled slowly on his own roll.

Jude had let us all into the lab, telling us not to touch anything unless he said so because 'Clarkie liked it this way'. I had smiled at that; Good ole Clarke was still the same as I remembered her. The lab was the same as I had remembered it, though a lot less clean. There was a pile of scrap metal by the door which Jude had informed me that Clarke had allowed him to collect for his building needs or whatever. Raven's eyes had lit up at the pile and I saw Jude smile shyly at her. I wonder if Clarke told him all of the stories about us...

Jude proceeded to grab my hand and lead us around the lab, showing us his room and Madi's and the kitchen/storage room that I didn't know the bunker had. He also showed us a room with seven hammocks and informed us that 'Clarkie had been waiting for us for forever'. My heart had begun to hurt just looking into the kid's giant blue eyes that were so full of trust. Raven had gotten down to his level- "Jude," she said softy, but firmly. "We will get Clarke back, we will get them all back. I promise." Jude threw his skinny little arms around her neck and I heard his soft sobs. Raven held him close and looked into my eyes, "Right, Bell? We promise." I nodded, feeling my throat close up. 'Clarke, where are you, princess?' I thought.

Raven shakes her head. "We don't need to do this now. We can wait until after food, Murphy." Murphy rolls his eyes but shrugs in agreement. I look to the small boy curled up to Raven.

"I'm glad that Clarke found you, Jude," I say with a smile. "It's a good thing she wasn't alone."

"Yeah," agreed Harper. "She might have gone a little crazy."

Harper chuckles. "Clarke crazy? Never." The group all laughs, including Jude though it is obvious he doesn't really understand.

"She was never alone," Jude answers maturely. "Even before us, she had the radio. She called you everyday Bellamy." My heart breaks and I feel the familiar ache in my throat. I notice a quick and panicked glance between Raven and Monty, but I think nothing of it. They did everything they could to get communications up and working. Didn't they? I think to myself. Stop, you're just being paranoid for no reason. Forgive yourself for believing Clarke was dead and get on with it. She tried her best to let us know she was alive.

I smile at the boy, curious about how Clarke has been living; "So what was life like with Clarke? This seems to be a little piece of paradise over here."

Jude nods enthusiastically. "Clarke has been so awesome! I'm so glad she found me and Abba because I would've gone crazy with her by myself. Abba is crazy. Madi is great too! She's the best older sister ever. She dyed Clarke's hair a couple months ago." Jude giggles, a smile threatening to split his face. He looks up at me all happy. "Clarke said we all remind her of you guys."

"Oh really?" Murphy says. "So who's my little stunt double?"

Jude just looks at Murphy. "I thought you'd be funnier," he says. "Clarkie says you had a witty humor or whatever." Murphy shrugs but a content smile is plastered on his face.

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