VIII. Finally

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It had been a week since SpaceKru had landed and I found myself taking of Jude since. It was the only thing I could do, as Clarke was still locked up in her prisoner facing types of torture unimaginable to me. Don't think about, Bellamy. Clarke is strong. She will make it through this.

"Bellamy!" squealed Jude has he came barreling in through the main doors with a smiling Raven walking as fast as she could behind him. The rest of SpaceKru was enjoying their new found freedom on the ground but only Raven understood how I felt; she was my confidant and I loved her like I did Octavia. She wanted Clarke and Octavia back as much as I did, maybe even a little more as her and Clarke had a good friendship.

"What's up, little man?" I say, as I stand up and stretch from reading at the table. Clarke had apparently found a Greek Mythology book and it was tucked into one of the hammocks. I quickly claimed that hammock, but there were no other surprises.

"Raven has an idea!" Jude says excitedly, jumping up and down as he tugs on my hand. I quickly look over at Raven who has a smug look on her face and she makes her way down the stairs. "Oh, don't be so surprised, Blake," she calls as she nears the last step. Jude detaches himself from me and runs over to Raven, offering her his little hand as help. Raven smiles at him and my heart swells a little at the bond the town have formed in such a short time. Raven and Jude make their way over to the table.

"Can I tell him? Can I tell him? Please, Ray?" Jude squeals in excitement, his floppy curls bouncing around crazily as he hops from one foot to another. I chuckle and pull Jude onto my lap. "Alright bub," I say as I give him a squeeze. "Let's have Raven tell us and then we go practice outside." Jude nods in content and settles himself into my lap.

Raven sighs in preparation as she looks at me. "We need to get Octavia out of the bunker."

I wait for her to continue but she just looks at me. "That's it?" I say. "I was expecting a little more, Reyes."

"Well Blake," she shoots back. "That's all I have and it's a mighty good idea. We get them out and then we march up to the Eligius ship with an army and demand Clarke and the girls back. Solid plan." She sits down heavily and massages her leg; it only seems to bother her anymore when she is stressed. 

"I think it's a good idea," Jude says gravelly from my lap, his maturity not matching his young age. Why must all of the children grow up so fast? This second Priamfaya is time for a new life, a new beginning. No more forcing the kids to grow up, I think to myself as I hug Jude. "You're right, Jude my man," I say in agreement. He twists in my lap to look up at my face, happiness written on his small freckled features. "Yes! I knew it!" He shouts, a small fist flying into the air in victory.  Raven and I can't help but laugh in response. 

"What did you know?" yells back a voice from the top of the stairs. The three of us turn to see Murphy and Echo making their way down the stairs. I nod at Raven, my consent to start telling the others our only plan of action; we all work better together anyway. Murphy hops on to the table and ruffles Raven's hair who groans in response and shoves Murphy. 

"What up squirt?" Murphy asks Jude, holding his fist out in greeting. Jude smiles at Murphy and bumps his tiny fist against Murphy's before sliding off my lap to join Echo on the other side of the table. 

"Echoooooo," Jude says. "Will you come outside with me? Have you seen the pond yet? Can I show you?" Echo smiles and ruffles Jude's hair. "In a bit kid," she says. "We need to talk about getting Clarke back." 

Jude smiles at the switch in languages before responding, "I already know. I helped Raven with the idea but can we go after?" Echo nods and turns her attention back to Raven and I. I nod in greeting and she smiles softly. 

Final Journey to the Ground: A Bellarke ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now