X. Polis pt. 2

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Bellamy's POV

"It has been a long six years," Miller says stoically, all trace of happiness erased from his face. "We did things unimaginable to you guys. The day we got out, was the day we started living again." He sighs deeply before continuing. 

"We lost a lot, our numbers are nowhere near what they were when the bunker closed before Praimfaya hit. The first year was rough, especially for Octavia. The clans resented her for not being a Nightblood, and Skaikru in general."

"No kidding," mumbles Emori. Echo grunts in agreement.

Miller shoots the pair a look. "Look, no one expected it to be easy," he says gruffly, voice thick with emotion and anger. "We didn't ask for this. Octavia didn't ask to be Commander!" Miller'' a voice begins to rise, seemingly too loud and out of place in the vast darkness. 

"Skaikru has it's fair share of blood on its hands but the other clans had just as much, if not more than us. We were all equals and we were all hurting!" Miller's voice rang out. 

I clasp Miller on the shoulder, "No one is arguing with you, Miller." Raven nods from his other side. The flickering lights of Polis are closer than ever, and the pit of anxiety in my stomach is withering worse than ever. "Continue," I nudge. Miller nods.

"Octavia dealt with the uprisings the only way she knew how, but that's not the reason for our loss of people; I'll get to that later. Her method worked and she soon became known as "Blodreina". Her rule has been ruthless but it worked and we are now Wonkru." He stares at the approaching lights of Polis, leaving a heavy cloud of silence to hang over our group as we ponder everything he has told us. 

"But how did you guys get out?" Raven asks. "Clarke radio calls always mentioned her seeing Polis as nothing more than tons of debris and rubble to heavy to lift."

"Radio calls?" Miller questions, confusion etched into his face as he turns to look at me. "I thought Clarke went to space? You all were supposed to go to space?"

Raven and I exchange worried glances and from my peripheral I see Monty, Echo and Emori mirroring our concern.

"Clarke had to stay behind," I respond hoarsely. "There was a malfunction with the radio tower. I- I mean we didn't want to leave her behind." I turn to Miller, almost pleadingly, hoping he can understand that I didn't willingly abandon Clarke. "We had no other choice and it's what she wanted." Miller just looks at me and nods.

"So," Monty says. "Are you going to tell us how you got out of the bunker?"

Miller glances at Monty. "That'll have to wait," he says.  "We've arrived and it looks like we're just in time for prayers."

"Prayers?" Raven questions, more confused than ever.

"Yeah," Miller says with a shrug, continuing at a now hurried pace the center of the city. I glance around quickly, taking in the rubble but also seeing the outlines of fully functioning buildings and tiny pieces of life such as benches around a half-burned fire and clothes hanging on a line. The "city", if that is even what it can be called, oozes a feeling of rebirth and survival. 

"Where else did you think all the people were?" Miller says with a slight chuckle as if he can't believe how dumb we are. I had the last patrol of this side and noticed the movement of Rover while alerting the people of the time. Octavia knows I would be late but everyone else is obligated to go." Miller must notice how confused we still are and sighs before continuing to explain. "Prayer time is basically when we all sit together and eat. Wonkru is just that- one solid mass and we need to behave like that. It started in the bunker and once a tradition starts and works, it is a little hard to break it. You understand, right?"

Echo and Emori nod theirs in unison, their previous lives as members of Ground clans helping them. I shrug, indifferent to it. As long as I get to see my sister soon, I don't give a crap about traditions, I think to myself. 

Suddenly a spray of light bathes our group where we stand, as the doors to a building in front of us, are pushed open and a mass of people swarm out into the night. I gaze around in wonder, noticing Monty and the others doing the same, at the people of the bunker who went in as separates but are now one, Wonkru. They all stare at us, confusion etched into some of their faces but most pay us no mind. Miller is greeted by many and greets just as many people. I look for my sister, for Abby, for Kane, even Jaha, but see no one familiar. The crowds begin to thin as everyone makes their way home. 

Raven reaches over and squeezes my bicep. I look down at her questioningly. She points towards the lit doorway of the building of previous mass exodus and there is yet another shadow illuminated, the features too dark to make out.

"Well, well, well," booms a commanding yet familiar voice. "There's someone I thought I'd never see again."


Just thought I'd treat y'all to 2 parts, especially since it's just a continuation of the previous chapter. I am planning on 20 chapters for this book with a hopeful Bellarke reunion in chapter 15, but no promises. There will be a lot of angst, but we're all familiar with that anyway thanks to our good pal Jason R, amirite? I think I am finding this story so hard to write since s5 has already been aired and it was my intention to finish this before s5 so now I feel like a fraud. But anyway peace out my loves and have a blessed day (or night, idk the time zones (it's night time for me)) and I will see y'all when I update next which will be in the next few days. As always please leave any and all comments!

xx Emi

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