IX. Polis

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Bellamy's POV

The Kru reached the ruins of Polis in less time than expected.

I was also not expecting to discover a fully functioning city.

"Uhh Raven," Monty said slowly, as I slowed the Rover to a crawl as the edge of the city ruins came into view. "Please tell me we didn't eat hallucinogenic berries again and that Polis is actually alive."

Raven just shrugged in response, as flabbergasted as the rest of us. Echo's brow was furrowed in concentration, staring at the city growing in the distance

"Be alert," I said, as I turned to collect my gear form the back of the Rover. "They weren't expecting us and they could be hostile."

"But it's your sister?" questioned Raven. "And Kane and Abby."

"We've been in space for six years," I answered, stepping out of the Rover and swinging my pack onto his back, Clarke's rifle in hand. "For all they know, we're dead," Monty sighed as he jumped out the back of the Rover, supplies on his pack. 

"Octavia could care less about me," Echo said stiffly as Raven limped around the front of the Rover. 

"Or me," Emori said with a small chuckle. "No one even knows me."

I wrapped an arm around Echo's shoulders, pulling her in for a squeeze. "You're both family now and Octavia is also family. Everything will work out." Echo smiled and nodded.

"Alright gang," Raven said, shouldering a backpack. "Let's go."

As we began the trek towards the ruins, I took note of the cultivated lands and small huts dotting the landscape; it appeared as if the people of the bunker had been out for a while. But if Octavia got her people out then why did Clarke never join them?

"Wanna know what is weird?" Raven asks.

"Are you going to ask why Clarke never joined her mom and the rest of the bunker people if they got out?" Monty asks, looking back towards Raven from his position at the front of the group.

Raven nods. "I feel like we're missing a piece of the story and I think it might be bad."

"Don't be negative," jokes Emori. "That's Murphy's job and he isn't here." Raven and Monty burst out laughing and I share a small smile with Echo as we near a small hut.

"Alright guys, stay alert," I warn, moving my arms to carry my gun closer to my chest. We had seen no one so far but I wasn't taking any chances. The closer we got to the center of the city, where all the ruins and Lexa's half-standing tower, the more I noticed the signs of civilized life.

"I'd say that the bunker has been open for at least a year," says Monty, as he stops to kneel by and examine the crops grown by the side of the trodden path. "But it doesn't make any sense- Clarke checked on the bunker after 5 years. She said so in the radio calls."

"The boy also said nothing about this," Echo points out. "I don't like this- something is off."

"Who goes there?" yells a familair voice in Trigedaslang. We stop walking immediately but begin to arm ourselves. 

"Echo kom Asgeda & Bellamy Blake kom skaikru," Echo shouts back. "Where is Commander Octavia?"

"Bellamy?" says the voice. I shield my eyes against the setting sun and stare hard into the horizon as a blackened form makes its way towards my Kru. As the figure comes closer, I finally place the voice.

"Miller? Is that you?" I ask incredulously, lowering my gun from my prepared stance.

Miller stops in front of me, a smile on his face, "It's about time you came back down. Space can't be that great."

I smile back and step forward to greet my friend; our hands gripped tightly on each other's forearms and I pull him into a hug, clapping my hand on his back good-naturedly. "Good to see you, man.

"Likewise," he replies, returning the hug. We step apart, arms still firmly clasped in a handshake. "Octavia is going to be ecstatic to see you." He lets go of my arm and goes to hug Monty and Raven, nodding at Echo and Emori in greeting when he's done.

"So," Monty says slowly. "Care to explain how you guys got out of the bunker?"

Miller nods his head in the direction he came from, "How about we go let Octavia know her brother is home and I'll explain on the way?"

"Perfect!" I say as I bounce on my toes, ready to get going. We resume our trek to the heart of Polis as the sun disappears behind the horizon line. Our path is lit only by the torches on the sides of the path and the flashlights Raven and Emori had thought to pack for us.


My loves, 

I just want to give my sincerest apology for the lack of updating but also to express my sincerest gratitude for your patience and support to continue updating. Life has been tough lately- I graduated college, got a full-time job, have been struggling with not only my mental health but my physical health as well (probs related) and just hit an awful block with this story as everything I wrote seemed like trash. I scrapped a lot but I am happy with the direction I am trying to take with this story now. I can't wait for season 6 and fully believe that we will be seeing some hella cute Bellarke which we d e s e r v e so gosh dang much. I read a theory somewhere that its basically like a love triangle btwn Clarke, Bellamy & Echo similar to the one from s1 with Clarke, Finn & Raven. Sooo who knows- maybe we'll have a happy ending, or well beginning, for a canon romantic Bellarke this season. But again- thank you thank you for all the love and support. I hope to finally be able to regularly update now

xx Emi

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