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Two Years Prior
A coffee shop barista, a stressed out highschool senior and a closet case geek. A teenage girl who loved punk pop music, a good classic and a cup of hot choclate on a cool fall afternoon. A girl who'd been some what sheltered by her family, who secretly dreamed of adventure. That was Meredith McCarthy.
Everything changed two years on all Hallows eve. Meredith had just gotten off the closing shift at her job and slowly started making her way home. For Halloween night the streets felt rather dead to her as she made her way threw the town sqaure. Normally it would be bustling with tricker treaters walking between the main street that cut the neighborhood in half. She was about to make the corner to her house when she suddenly heard what sounded like some sort of fight. Reaching for her phone she goes to call 911 only to realize she didn't have a clue where it was. She followed the sound of yelling, screaming and swearing to a small park. It wasn't really a park more or less a sort of rotary in the middle of the street but never the less it was called a park. She slips behind a tree as soon as she can make out two silhouettes. One of them is clearly a girl, with long fire like hair and milky white skin. The other....well the other doesn't appear to have a clear cut facial features. She reaches for her phone realizing such an angle would be useless to the cops. As she moves away from the tree, something comes whizzing past her heard. Running in the opposite direction it goes whizzing past her head again. She throws her hands up. A few seconds later a boy is in her face. Her eyes dart to the tattoo on his neck. It was like no tattoo she'd ever seen. "Please don't kill me." She figures perhaps if she begs with the boy he might spare her life today.
"But your a demon.....are you not?" He asks. Getting closer to her. His blade raised towards her chest. Her eyes widen.
"A demon! No!" She cries. Was this boy delusional? Had she just fallen into a cult war? "Demons don't exist."
He lets out a chuckle. The red headed girl is suddenly beside him. "Alec, stop it.....your clearly frightening her."
"Well if she's not a demon, or down worlder, or a shadow hunter then what is she? Mundanes don't have the sight Clary."
The girl who's name was Clary raised an eye brow. The boy drops his sword.
"Oh god no, not this again".
"Not what again?" Meredith can't help but wonder how a girl could have walked into a wait.....she stops. "What's a mundane?" She'd never heard that term used be. Clary puts a hand on Merediths back. Signaling for her to walk. "Come on Ill explain evsrything."

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