Loving the way he lies next to me. The endless beauty he holds. It amazes me on how much one person can change everything. Your world just falls into place. The way he gets upset, makes you love him more. Everyday on that journey. You always seek more. I know you do. smile! it's ok, i like it on you. Someone else but me will see it too. I'm completing the needs of his own. All you can do is smile. When the dark clouds are at your feet and the sun is above your head. I miss those days. I miss when all i did was smile, no matter how much pain i felt. But he's something different. He's more than the words i can put on these pages. He's this guy who is himself. Amazement of uncontrollable lust of his love. Trying to find the words to open up on his mind and easy on intense of his brain activity. Feeling his mind focus on your eyes and mouth as the words come out. Almost like i froze him. I remember the journeys we went on. This was summer time. As he got me to slip out of my house and see him outside. We could talk forever. He might have talked me into going on a small journey to a small lake downtown. The beauty in all the lights that laid across the two bridges. The reflection of the lights off the water. We walked around and went to the park. The park's grass was next to the lake, we sat and watched the stars. well, until the sprinklers came on. We pushed each other. We laughed and spinned in the falling water. This felt like snow; ice cold touch on your skin. I couldn't think of anyway to show how great it felt.