Chapter 4:The Decision Of My Life

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"At least Chaos thinks of the innocents, unlike you."I spat out,"A selfish, cold-hearted monster."

Íroas's POV

Order's eyes flashed murderously."Be careful Commander, you'd better watch your back.You will regret that,"She spat out,"It will be with great pleasure when you break after I make you mine."

  Good luck on that lady, I mentally scoffed.You don't know me if you think you'll succeed.

  She returned to her position between Tartarus and Erebus.When she turned back to face me, the blazing Greek fire, which once resided in her eyes, had now reduced to a blazing fire.

"I assume you're here for your friends,"When she said it, her eyes glinted and her mouth curved upwards into a malicious smirk.

"What did you do to them,"I demanded.I narrowed my eyes, fearing for my friends' lives and sanity.

  Order simply snapped her fingers.

    The commander stepped back and vanished in a swirl of amethyst and black.


  The sound of items being dragged across the white marble floor could be heard with an occasional moan of pain.

The sea of monsters parted yet again to let the commander and three earthborn dragging familiar figures in black through.

The earthborn reached the circle of primordials and threw the figures at the empty space in front of me before disintegrating and sinking into the ground.The commander went back to her position next to her lord.

I gritted my teeth.Hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly as I took in the sight before me.

  The black figures, Sam and the other two who were sent to rescue her, Victor and Luciel(No surprise there, they're always together), had cuts which looked like whip marks and bruises of many different colors practically everywhere.

Their cloaks, if I could still call them that, were in tatters with many dark and light red patches decorating them, and I bet it wasn't tomato sauce.

But Sam was the worst.Blood was dripping from her cloak.Cuts and scars and sweat and grime, which had collected during her stay at the five star hotel, Order's Jail, marred her body.

I glowered at the monster who did the inhumane things to my comrades.

Order smirked and moved forward to grasp the chin of Sam.

"Such a beautiful face.It would be a pity to behead the girl,"Order said while examining Sam's face, like she was a specimen, with two fingers.

My eyes were the color of a hurricane now

  "Dare to hurt one hair on her head and I swear I will hunt you and kill you."

"I don't think you're in the place for giving out threats, my dear commander,"Order smirked and brandished a wicked sharp knife from who-knows-where and placed it under Sam's neck.

  I growled as a few drops of blood with a few specks of gold flowed down my comrade's neck, and staining her, already decorated enough, cloak red.

  "Why not we negotiate,"Order's eyes glinted evilly.

  This cannot be good.

  But my eyes flicked towards the enemy in white, prompting her to continue.

  "If you submit yourself to me, I'll let the girl and your friends go,"Her mouth curled into a cold smirk,"You can take their places instead."

  I felt my heart drop to my feet.

Should I?


528 Words
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Next chapter:By 20/10/17

Íroas's POV

  I glanced at my fallen comrades and back at the cruel primordial in front of me, watching me expectedly.

  What if this is a trick?

Till then, have fun waiting

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