Extras: How Sam and Eriline Got Together

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Sam's POV, A Month after Kronos and Íroas started dating

  I anxiously paced the corridor in front of the portal room, occasionally glancing at the portals, waiting for something, anything, to happen. Thoughts swirled around in my head. 

  Eriline should've been back a few days ago. Did something happen? Did she get hurt? What happened to her?

  "Someone seems worried," A voice came from the the right.

  "She's my comrade, of course I'm worried," I replied the speaker.

  Xin Ru snorted,"Keep telling yourself that."

  I looked at her, waiting for an her to explain what she said, but Xin Ru simply smirked knowingly and left without another word, her black and burgundy cape chasing after her.


  "Sam!" I turned around, and before I could say anything, a body threw itself onto me. I tried to jerk back to get away from the intruding body, but they only hang on tighter. I took in the familiar brown hair and violet outlines on the cloak.


  She looked up at the call of her name and smiled dumbly at me. I continued staring at her, confused.

  "What? Can't I hug my favorite girl?" Eriline questioned at the confused look on my face, and proceeded to nuzzled up against me. "I like you, Sam, will you be my girlfriend?"

  What. My face flushed gold. Does she really mean that? What do I say? What do I do? But wait. Eriline wouldn't be so blunt. Later, gay thoughts, I have to concentrate now

  I snapped out of my embarrassment and enquired," Eriline, weren't you on a mission?"

  Eriline stated wide eyed at me. "Well, yea, but I just completed it, so here I am."

  "Have you reported back to Chaos when you got back?" I was growing more and more concerned.

  Suddenly, a soldier in my quadrant walked past us, at first he just nodded at us and continued walking, but he suddenly stopped and doubled over, looking back to where we were, watching with wide eyes. I imagined what he would be thinking if I were in his position. Two commanders holding onto each other tightly, one blushing and one smiling at the other with a dumb smile.

  It wasn't that hard to guess what he was thinking

  "This is not what you're thinking," I tried to defend myself while trying to push Eriline away from me, but she only clung on tighter. I looked back at the passerby, but he was already running.

  I cursed inwardly.

  But Eriline was happily unaware of her surroundings, she shook her head enthusiastically. Something was not right.

  "Are you sure you're alright, Eriline?"

  "Of course I'm fine, I feel great!"

  Definitely not alright

  "C'mon, we're going to the infirmary," I said while hauling her up to get a better grip on her. When my words reached her brain, she started struggling.

  "But I already went there," Eriline whined.

  "Kandice would have never let you out in this condition," I said.

  Then, a shout rang out," Eriline, where are you! I swear, when I find you I will kill you!"

  Eriline squeaked and struggled even harder, but I held her in a vice-like grip and dragged her towards her death.

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