Chapter 13:The Gods Are Missing, What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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I do NOT own PJO or HOO, nor do I own any characters in said books.They belong to Rick Riordan.The translations are from Google Translate, so if they're wrong........Blame Google, not me

Prendre plaisir---French
请享用----------Simplified Chinese


The mist started to dissipate but right before it disappeared, I caught a glimpse of sea-green eyes.

Íroas's POV, the next day

  Droplets of water cascaded down my bare back.My forehead was leaning against the cool surface of the black marble wall.I relished that moment of being in my element and closed my eyes.I imagined that I was somewhere else, somewhere where I could be who I was and not have to fight anymore.

  "Íroas, how much longer are you going to stay in there?We have to leave soon and if you don't get out of there right now, I will personally drag you out,"A irritated female voice rang out.A sigh escaped my lips.

  So much for trying to be somewhere else.

  I got out of the shower and used the perfectly folded towel on one of the shelves to dry myself.Even though I could use my powers and immediately dry myself, I wanted to feel...normal, whatever 'normal' meant.

  After slipping on my usual attire and placing my mask on my face, I twisted the doorknob and pushed open the door.

  Time to face reality


  "... and good luck," said Chaos.

  The commanders, our lieutenants, Chaos and I were assembled at the portal room.Chaos had just finished his 'good luck' speech and instructions on what to do after we exited the main portal of Planet Earth.

  The main portal was located at the abyss below Tartarus.We would be teleported there before we could make a portal to Olympus.And after telling the gods what they were supposed to do, we were to portal to Camp Half-Blood, where we would stay at till the war was over.

  It was simple, but wasn't at the same time.If that even made any sense.

  "And, please, remember to use your code names when addressing one another."Chaos looked pointedly at Luke, who looked sheepish.

  "Once again, good luck.I want to see all of you back here in one piece."And with that Luke, Sam, Eriline, Xin Ru and Aideen walked into the portal.

  I was walking towards the portal when a hand on my shoulder stopped me, my eyes wandered from the hand to the face of the person who stopped me.Chaos' worried face came into view.

  "Once again, I apologize for this, if I could, I wouldn't have even let you go,"Chaos sniffed, she looked like she was about to burst into tears.I forced a small smile onto my face,"It's fine, Chaos.It's my duty as commander to protect the universe anyways and Planet Earth is not an exception."

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