Chapter 1: Welcome To The Land Of Ice And Snow And Other Stuff

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I do NOT own PJO or HOO, nor do I own any characters in said books.They belong to Rick Riordan.The translations are from Google Translate, so if they're wrong........Blame Google, not me

Prendre plaisir---French
请享用--------Simplified Chinese


Íroas's POV

The group that I was following on the vast land of Planet Págos kept glancing back once in a while.I was careful to not get seen as I followed them.Suddenly, an empousa turned around.Luckily for me, tons of torturous training awarded me with amazing reflexes.I dropped to a crouch behind a huge pile of snow and waited until the empousa deemed her surroundings safe and continued walking.

Technically I wasn't supposed to be doing this, but if your friend was missing, you would try to find him or her right?

A month ago, Sam was sent on a mission to get information on the opposing side.She was expected to return home within five days, but even after a week, she still did not return.All of us got worried.Chaos has already sent a few soldiers to find her but I had a dream so disturbing that I decided to search for her myself without telling anyone else.

  So, here I was

In the middle of nowhere, following a bunch of random monsters which might be leading me to my death.

The monsters passed many ice-coated trees and snow covered mountains and giant ice sculptures, but they didn't even stop to rest.Since they didn't even stop walking to gods-know-where, I couldn't rest for even a second.The cold, cruel wind was not helping.And since the Sun barely rose here, I wasn't able to keep warm.The cloak which Chaos had given to all its soldiers was supposed to be used for missions in places with high temperatures, not freezing areas with snow and ice.

I was freezing and exhausted, not exactly the greatest condition to go saving other people and fighting monsters.

  But my determination to find Sam was enough to keep me going.

When I was bored, which was most of the time, I would take a look around me.

  Snow! Ice! Even more snow and ice!

That was how bored I was

  We soon arrived to a massive castle.It somehow reminded me of Westover Hall, the school I visited when I was fourte-Don't think of that, I mentally scolded myself as I managed to not get overwhelmed by memories or get a flashback.I had learnt to bury my memories, deep inside my mind, so that I would not be overwhelmed by emotions.I swore to never remember that place again.

I quickly ducked behind a nearby ice sculpture as one of the monsters did a quick check around its surrounding before opening the castle doors and entering, it's friends following in suite.I hesitated.

  Should I actually do this?

Then, I mentally shrugged, What's life without risks?Hopefully I won't die.And I slipped between the giant, wooden doors before they closed with a soft click.

Oh how close I was to that


463 words
Published: 20/9/17
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Next Chapter: By 1/10/17

Íroas's POV

The dim lighting of the green, Greek fire torches in the hallway helped.I didn't have to hide behind nearby objects when the monsters turned around to check.I followed the monsters till we reached a set of enormous, golden doors.

Till Then, Have Fun Waiting

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