Chapter 18: We Are Doomed

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I do NOT own PJO or HOO, nor do I own any characters in said books.They belong to Rick Riordan.The translations are from Google Translate, so if they're wrong........Blame Google, not me

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3rd Person View, that evening

  The room felt warmer than usual.

  Sam connected lips with Eriline again.The kiss was hot and desperate.Eriline had her arms wrapped around Sam's waist, while her arms were slung around Erline's neck, pulling each other as close as possible.

  One of Eriline's hand snuck under Sam's clothes and-

  A hand grabbed Eriline's arm, stopping her from going any further.Sam parted and placed a finger on her partner's lips.Said partner whined.

  "No intercourse during a mission,"Sam reminded Eriline as she pulled away.The only response was her grumbling about, evil girlfriends and their stupid rules.

  When Eriline noticed that Sam was heading towards the door, she whined,"Where are you going? If I don't get sex I want at least cuddles."

  Sam smirked at her girlfriend pouting and said,"Sorry, but I have to speak to Íroas about something, it won't take long."

  Eriline raised her eyebrow,"Very specific, care to share?"

  "Don't worry, it's nothing your simpleminded self can understand."Sam called out over her shoulder before exiting the room.She laughed quietly at Eriline's shout of indignant.

  While walking down the dimly lit hallway, she heard muffled screams coming from the right.Sam glanced towards that direction and came face to face with a door with 'Aideen' stated on it.Her face frowned in concern.

  Sam knocked.The screaming ceased.

  Another knock.A 'come in' was heard.

  Sam immediately swung open the door.Aideen was sitting on his bed with his legs crossed on the white covers.

  "Hey,"Sam greeted,"I heard some noise from your room, everything alright?"

  Aideen suddenly chewed his lips and looked around nervously.Sam raised an eyebrow at him.

  Aideen lips moved, he muttered something, but Sam couldn't hear it.She slowly crept forward, while asking,"Could you repeat that?"

  His eyes flickered upwards, boring into her soul and she felt a shiver go down her spine.His gaze felt different, too cold, too hard.A sadistic smile wormed it's way onto his face.When he spoke again, it wasn't him anymore,"I said, you shouldn't have came in, commander."

  Suddenly, Sam felt pain exploding in her abdomen.She glanced down, a silver-edged sword protruded from her body.

  The sword was pulled out of her body and she fell to the ground in pain.Droplets of red dripped onto the floor.Sam clenched her jaw and clutched the wound in an desperate attempt to staunch the bleeding, but her attempts were in vain.Blood continued to flow out of the wound.

  Sam already felt lightheaded from the loss of blood.

  Fingers curled around her chin, jerking her head roughly upwards, a voice, much colder than Aideen's voice, spoke,"You know, we have to stop meeting like this, commander."

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