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Ella woke and smiled when she cuddled into Will. She realised they both were naked.

Yes, they were both tired when they went to bed but when they both awoke at four A.M. they decided they wanted to make love.

Ella loved being with Will. Will couldn't deny that he hadn't ever loved a girl as much as he loved Ella. She reached up and kissed his lips as he slept. His eyelids began to flutter open.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Ella asked.

Will smiled and shook his head. "Not at all."

Ella grinned and got out of her bed. She looked at Will. "I need a hot bath."

"Go on then."

Will and Ella went to the officer's mess. Ella smiled at Henry. "Bonjour Chief Officer."

Will laughed and sat down. Ella poured some coffee and sat between Will and Henry. "Not long now until we reach New York," Ella said.

"I know. You excited?" Henry asked. Ella nodded.

"When the ship docks I'm not getting off."

Henry was shocked but thought it was just because her family was there. He didn't have an idea about Will and Ella being in a serious relationship. He thought it was just flirting and maybe a loose relationship.

The three of them ordered breakfast. Ella went for a full fry up. No one was expecting her to eat so much. "Are you hungry?" Henry asked.

Ella nodded. "This routine has got me crazy. Ten till two and then ten till two in the morning."

Will agreed. Henry stood up and sighed. "Well chaps and ladies. I'm off to sleep. Don't flirt too hard."

Ella choked on her bacon. "Did he just say that?" She asked Will when Henry was out of earshot.


"We don't flirt."

"We do," Will said with a smirk. He laid a hand on Ella's knee. She smiled and held his hand under the table.

When they finished breakfast they went out on the bridge. Ella yawned.
"You tried Darlin'?" Will asked.

Ella nodded. "Yeah. For some reason I got two hours sleep and then was awake for two hours again."

Will smirked and Ella smirked back. All Will could think about was the ship docking and being with Ella forever.

"Did you mean what you said? About staying on the ship?" He asked.

Ella nodded. "Yeah. I meant it. I want to be with you forever. My father will love you too."

Will smiled. He knew his parents Samuel and Jane would adore Ella. They weren't too keen on Ada knowing she tried to stop Will from doing what he wanted.

Ella and Will groaned when they heard Ruth DeWitt Bukater. "I really do not like her," Ella said. She walked to the other side of the bridge and saw Ruth with the Countess of Rothes. "Yeah. Still don't like her."

Will laughed. He discreetly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. No one was out on the bridge.
"I love you," Will said.

Ella smiled. "I love you too. Now stop being soppy. Someone might see."

Will laughed and they separated. Ella and Will decided to have a walk around. "Please go in the opposite direction to her," Ella said, referring to Ruth.

Will smiled. "Don't worry. We will."

Ella and Will walked around. They bumped into Ruth. "Damn," Ella mumbled.

Ruth smiled quite evilly. "Mr Murdoch. Miss Hanson. How are your rounds going?" She asked.

Ella stayed silent. Will however decided to talk to Ruth. "Quite well Mrs DeWitt Bukater. How is your stay on the ship?" He asked.

"Quite to my expectations. However my daughter seems to keep on vanishing with a third class boy."

"It must be love," Will joked.

Ruth glared at him. "I'll have you know Mr Murdoch that my daughter is set to marry Mr Hockley. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Ruth pushed past them with the Countess. Will smirked at Ella and they continued walking.

Ella couldn't believe how Will had talked to Ruth. She knew that he didn't like her either.

"She could make a complaint," she mumbled.

"Let her. I can deny it," Will said as he placed a hand on her lower back.

Ella smiled and went in front of Will. Charles walked over so Will took his hand off Ella's back. "How are you both?" He asked.

Ella smiled slightly. She nodded. "I'm okay. And yourself?"

"I'm very well thank you," Charles replied. Ella nodded and walked on ahead. Charles talked with Will about the decision to speed up the engines.

Ella stood looking over the railing. She loved being at sea. It felt like home to her.

When Charles finished talking to Will, Will joined Ella. He smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Ella nodded. She smiled at her. "It'll be strange to think that in four days, Titanic will be in New York."

"Ismay wants us to try and get there on Tuesday," Will said.

Ella frowned. "That's dangerous. Especially when coming up to the icebergs."

"I know. Charles, Henry and I have tried talking to the captain and Ismay. But they won't listen. Ismay wants to make the papers," Will said.

Ella sighed. She was worried now. Will kissed her head.
"Don't worry," he said.

"How can you tell I'm worried?"

Will smiled. "That vein beside your temple twitches when you're worried."

Ella pouted and put a hand defensively at her temple. "Leave my twitchy temple alone."

Will laughed. "It will all be fine," he said. He knew deep down something could happen but he wouldn't say anything to Ella.

Ella nodded and sighed. "Let's hope so 'eh? Because I have a few choice words for Mr Ismay."

"Now now. He works with your father," Will said.


Will laughed and hugged her. "You're a right feisty lass."

Ella hugged him back. "That I am."

Will and Ella walked back up to the bridge. They were greeted by Henry.
"Alright?" Henry asked. Both Will and Ella nodded.

Henry gave them both a cup of coffee.
"I could do with this," Ella complained. Will laughed.

"I'm not that hard to work with am I?" Will asked.

Ella looked at him. "You used to be."

Will laughed and nodded. "Aye. That's true."

Ella smiled and winked. She drank her coffee and sighed. She couldn't help but think that something bad was going to happen.

An Officer's Love {Titanic}Where stories live. Discover now