Joke Is On You 💘🃏

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Six months later...

Gotham City was still under numerous counts of criminal activity. This time, criminals had become more supernatural in a sense, being more capable of combat and intelligence.

Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson were struggling to keep up with every day activity. By day, Bruce would work a short amount of business hours at Wayne Enterprises, and then dress up as the Dark Knight at nighttime with Dick. 

Life in Wayne Enterprises without Lucius Fox was challenging and stressful. Bruce never found a business partner, so he kept all the business credit to himself, as the one and only boss of his company. 

Dick Grayson had taken the mantle of a new hero title and costume: he was now Robin. His costume was bright red and green, trying to symbolize the hope still left in Gotham City. Batman stayed the same, only updating his gadgets to heavy-duty, and created the Batwing. The Batwing was originally one of Bruce's many airplanes in his Wayne Aerospace hangar.

One night, Batman and Robin were chasing down three dangerous criminals. One was by the name of Victor Zsasz, a sadistic serial killer and shirtless man who carved tally marks onto his body to count how many victims he slaughtered. Another was Garfield Lynns, also known as Firefly. Armed with a flamethrower and bat-like wings to fly, he was extremely dangerous. Lastly, was a man with a rare genetic condition that gives him a crocodilian appearance. His name was Killer Croc, the most feared of the three. His home was underneath Gotham City, in its disgusting sewers. 

"Robin, make sure they don't get away! You're closer in pursuit to them!" exclaimed Batman on his radio. He was in the Batmobile, as Robin was on his speeder bike, now painted red and green too. 

"I got this, Batman! Zsasz is heading up northbound, I can't find Killer Croc! Firefly is nearby," Robin answered back on his radio. He revved up the speeder bike to drive faster up to Zsasz.

Victor was running full-speed, carrying a firearm and a bag of money. He panted heavily, pushing people away and stabbing some of them who encountered him. He stopped running, hiding in an alleyway.

Robin parked his speeder bike and confronted Victor Zsasz. "The fun is over, Victor. Come with me, and put down the firearm," commanded Robin. "You think I'm gonna listen to a young boy scout? Hell no! I enjoy having fun murdering people, and it's only just begun!" Victor exclaimed. He lunged at Robin with the knife and firearm. 

Meanwhile, Batman drove to the Gotham Theater. Firefly was there, using the flamethrower to burn it down. Citizens were trapped in the movie theater, screaming for help as the fire rose up. Batman parked his Batmobile in the darkness, and confronted Firefly.

"What the hell?" asked Firefly as Batman kicked him in the face. Firefly managed to keep his mask on, trying to conceal his identity. Batman used his 'detective vision' to track Firefly's real identity. "Garfield Lynns. I know who you are. You used to be a special effects supervisor for the Gotham Theater," said Batman.

Firefly was scared, but tried to hide it. He responded with using the flamethrower towards Batman. Batman used his cape to shield himself from the fire. Luckily, his latest cloak was fireproof. Batman crouched down, as the fire was deflected off his cape. Firefly let go of the trigger, finding his flamethrower nearly useless.

Batman stood up, shooting his taser gadget to Firefly. Firefly wasn't quick enough to react, and was electrocuted. He fell to the ground, face-first. The flames in Gotham Theater kept on blazing. Batman retrieved Firefly's flamethrower and tossed his body and the weapon into his Batmobile. 

Batman called up Commissioner Gordon to call in the Gotham Fire Department. "Bring them. Also, bring in the GCPD to arrest Firefly," said Batman on the walkie-talkie. Gordon agreed.

Minutes later, the firefighters arrived to hose down the theater, as it melted and collapsed. The citizens inside were rescued by Batman, and he even left Firefly tied up to a pole with the flamethrower. 

"Well, there's our early Christmas present," remarked Officer Bullock. Gordon smirked. They arrested Firefly and took him to Arkham Asylum.

Meanwhile, Robin fought Zsasz. Zsasz tried to cut him with the knife, but Robin dodged several times. He kicked him in the face, flipping up in the air. Batman parked his Batmobile near the alleyway, watching his partner try to take down Zsasz. 

Zsasz punched Robin, managing to combat him back. Batman sighed, and decided to intervene. He knocked Zsasz right out with a strike to the head. "I had him!" shouted Robin.

"He would have killed you, you were toying with him," replied Batman. Robin scoffed in reply. The two arrested Victor and left him incarcerated to the GCPD. Now the only criminal left who's active tonight is Killer Croc.  

Batman and Robin climbed down a ladder to the underground sewers. They found carcasses of animal meat down there. "Ugh, the stench!" Robin said, squeezing his nose. Batman ignored the horrid smell, and walked along a platform raised above the sewer river. 

Robin spotted a crocodile spine peer out of the water, swimming. "He's probably right there," whispered Robin to Batman. Batman shushed him, and turned on his 'detective mode'. He saw Killer Croc swimming through the sewer river. 

"Found him," whispered Batman. Suddenly, Killer Croc jumped out of the water, diving towards Batman and Robin. Luckily, both were able to jump out of the way. Killer Croc collided into the stone wall, head-first.

"Help me hold him down!" exclaimed Batman to Robin. Batman shot a grappling hook which wrapped a rope around Killer Croc's reptile wrists before he could retaliate.

Robin decided to use his electric baton for the first time in a while, and zapped Killer Croc to unconsciousness.  Killer Croc was apprehended, arrested, and sent to Arkham Asylum with Firefly and Victor Zsasz.

Gordon thanked Batman and Robin for the work. "Job well done, again," he remarked to the both of them for their duties and service. "Commissioner, let us know if you need any more help with anything. I think this is the last we will see of these supernatural enemies," commented Batman. Gordon nodded, turning around in time to watch the police cars escort the three criminals away.

Batman got into his Batmobile, while Robin got onto his speeder bike. The two traveled safely in the dark to the Batcave. Alfred Pennyworth was waiting for them there. "I have made a big dinner for you two tonight. Lucius would have been proud," Alfred added.

Bruce unmasked himself, as Dick did the same. They followed Alfred upstairs. "Are you still tracking down that jester or whatever?" asked Dick to Bruce. Bruce nodded.

"Yeah. This jester card needs more explanation just being a card. Gordon gave it to me months ago for a reason. A reason that needs to be solved," answered Bruce. Dick shrugged his shoulders.

" certainly isn't the Riddler. He's in Arkham," said Dick jokingly. They ate dinner at the kitchen table, as Alfred told Bruce that Vicki Vale is inviting him to dinner tomorrow night.

"Okay. I'll go," said Bruce. Bruce told Dick to stay behind for tomorrow night too. 

Bruce went to bed, ready to see Vicki tomorrow. He thought that hopefully Vicki will understand by now of him and Selina's relationship and that the dinner invitation is just to reconnect as friends.

He fell asleep. 

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