Sick (Logan/Logic)

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You were laying on the couch with a cold. You had a fever, you were sneezing a lot which hurt your throat and you felt so cold but you were burning up but Logan insisted you got covered up in the heaviest blanket in the house. He was such a nice boyfriend and only wanted the best for you but sometimes he was just to much. He walked down the stairs with more medicine for you. It was the liquid stuff that was suppose to taste like some kinda berry but it tasted awful. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon to put the medicine in. He walked back over to you and sat next to you, putting some medicine in the spoon. You whined. "It will help you feel better" he told you. "But it -cough- tastes so bad -cough-". He just rolled his eyes and brought the spoon to your lips. "Open up" he told you. You didn't open your mouth. You just closed it shut tight. He growled. "If you don't open your mouth in taking away all you electronics" he smirks. "I'm a grown women you can't-hmpf!?" He puts the spoon in your mouth. You had no choice but to swallow the medicine. It was horrible!! Logan smiled. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked. You growled. "It taste awful!!" You whined. "Well if you wanna get better you gotta take it" he said to you and got up to put he spoon in the sink. You sat up and felt like you were gonna die. Logan sat down by you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. The only way he could get sick was if Thomas got sick. Which sucked cause then you had to take care of Thomas, Virgil, Logan, Patton, and Roman. Which was practicly impossible cause all Virgil did was complain. Logan looked at you and kissed your forehead. Your face all ready red which was good for you. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. You nodded slightly. Patton walked down the stairs and sat next to you. "Hey kiddo! How you feeling?" You gave him a thumbs up cause if you talked you would probably lose your voice. This was the worst cold you ever had. But, with your amazing boyfriend, a hyper viner, a father figure, what was like your emo brother, and a prince who save you from a 'dragon-witch', you think your gonna survive.


Word count: 417

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