Midnight Sleepover (Patton x Reader)

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You woke up to the sound of fast knocking on the door. You looked over at the clock and saw that the time was 11:36. You groan and get up. The cold floor touching your feet make you shiver at its touch. You walked down stairs and opened the front door. Immediately, two arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. "I saw a spider!" You knew that voice all to well. Patten, your boyfriend. "Patton I know you hat spiders but it's almost midnight. I need sleep" you yawned. "I know, I know, but, hear me out!" He says. You stay quiet waiting for him to finish. "It was a big furry spider and Roman wouldn't let me sleep in his room" you sigh. "C'mon" he smiles. You grab his hand and lead him back to your room. He jumped in your bed like he owned the place. You crawled back into bed and snuggled up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and drifted off to sleep.

Not even ten minutes later

You can't sleep. Sleep was now impossible. You looked up at Patten and saw that he was sleeping quiet peacefully. You snuggled up closer to him trying not to wake him up. But you unfortunately did wake him up. "You ok?" He asked with a sleepy tone in his voice. You nodded your head side to side telling him no. He sat up and brought you with him. "What's wrong kiddo?" You giggled. It was adorable how he called everyone kiddo. Even you. "I just can't sleep" he frowns but it's suddenly replaced with a smile. "I have an idea!"

Some time later

You were both building a fort in the living room. There were a few pillows and blankets on the floor and you were both setting up the roof of it. It turned out pretty good. Part of the blanket roof covered the couch so you both could sleep on the couch.

 Part of the blanket roof covered the couch so you both could sleep on the couch

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Did I mention Patton was like the king of pillow forts. Cause he is! "Done!" Patten said happily while putting up the last of the support so the roof would stay up. It turned out pretty well. But, it was nothing compared to the fort you, Patten, Thomas, and the other Sander Sides made. That was practically a castle. You both laid on the floor with your head on a pillow. "That was a lot of fun" you told him. He nods happily. You both heard a nock on the door. You got up and answered it. There stood Roman, Logan, Virgil, and Thomas. "Is Patten here?" Thomas asked. You nodded. "Yeah, he's in the living room" they all walk in and headed to the living room. How rood. You didn't even invite them in. "Hi guys!" Patten said as you walked into the living room. "Patten, you had us worried sick" Roman said. "We didn't know were you..." Roman trails off as he looks at the fort. "Did you build that?" Roman asked Patten. He nodded. "And Y/n helped!" He added. Roman shrugged. "I'm in" he walks under the fort and sits on the couch. You sat down next to Patten on the floor. Thomas, Logan, and Virgil all joined in. Virgil sat on the floor next to Logan while Thomas sat on the couch. You turned on a Disney movie and Roman squealed in exitement. "Do you have to do that every time we watch a Disney movie?" Virgil asked with that same bored tone in his voice. "yes!" Roman booped his noise. He groaned and went back to watching the movie.


First one shot done. I hope you enjoyed this one and there will be so many more one shots in the future! I also ship Roman and Vigil so there might be some of that!

Word count: 646

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