Can you just say I love you? (Logan/Logic)

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You were sitting next to your boyfriend on the couch. He was reading a book to you that had very big words in it that you couldn't read. So being the nice boyfriend he is he read it for. As he was reading his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. He was to busy focusing on reading that he didn't notice you were leaning in to kiss him. You kissed his cheek. He stopped reading and looked at you. You smiled. "I love you" you leaned in and pecked his lips. "I share the same romantic feelings for you as well" he says. You frown but he didn't notice. He went back to reading. You leaned your head in his shoulder. "Can you just say 'I love you'?" You asked him. He stops and looks at you. "I always tell you that I love you" "I mean you acualy saying the sentence 'I love you'" you tell him. He sighed. "Would it make you happy?" He asked. You nodded your head up and down telling him yes. "I love you" he simply said. You smile. "I love you too" he leaned in and kisses you on the lips. His lips were soft and fit perfectly on yours. He pulled away. "Want me to keep reading?" He asked you. You smiled. "Yes" you simply said. He looked back the book and continued to read. It still baffled you that he said 'I loved you' in a normal person way.


Word count" 251

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