CH 13: Running Down the Check List

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I can't believe this is happening. I'm still standing in the parking lot, trying to pull myself together and focus. There are several things I need to do right now.

First, Yo.

Texting Forth, I ask him to come outside to talk to me for a minute and to leave Yo inside.

When Forth walks out a few minutes later, I speak first, "Something has come up P'Forth and I'll have to leave Yo in your care for a bit. I may be back before the event ends, but I'm not sure. If I can't return, please accompany him through the rest of the event then bring him home. Keep in mind he has a curfew of midnight. If he breaks it, his father will withdrawal him from college and pull him back onto pack lands." I pause for emphasis and look at him. "If you don't want that to happen, have him home on time. Ok?"

"Yes, I understand. Is there anything I can help with, N'Ming?"

"No, P. Please just look after Yo, so I don't have to worry. That will be enough. Call me if there are any problems, P."

We say goodbye, him going back inside and me heading back to my dorm.


Second, Alpha Panitchayasawad.

Making this call is not something I want to do, but I don't have a choice. Wayo's dad could react in a multitude of ways and I'm worried.

"N'Ming this is an unexpected call. Is something wrong?"

"Alpha, an unexpected event happened, and I need your help handling the situation."

"N'Ming, just spit it out."

"Wayo's mate came forward tonight during the meet and greet, and..."

"WHAT! Are you sure? You wouldn't have called if you weren't sure." Wayo's father is breathing heavily into the phone now. I don't know if he's excited, nervous, or angry. Maybe all three? "Ming, who is it? Is Wayo ok?"

"Alpha... it's Phana Kongthanin. Alpha Kongthanin's second son. Yes, Yo is ok. I prevented Phana from meeting with Yo and reminded him that Yo he is only 17 and can't recognize him as his mate yet." Wayo's dad grunts in response to my answer.

"Alpha, can you ask Phana's father to call him home for at least the weekend? He needs a little time to get his thoughts in order and his instincts under control. I believe it was quite a shock to him that Yo is his mate."

"Yes, I imagine it would be." He pauses and sighs, "I want this to be kept a secret for now from Wayo, N'Ming. I'll call Phana's father now and start discussing our options. Good night." He closes the line not waiting for my reply.


Third, Phana.

Leaving my room, I head 2 floors down to Pha's room. When I knock, the door is opened, and I see all three boys from earlier are here with Pha. Good less tracking down of witnesses I will need to do after this. I wai to them then enter Pha's room.

Looking Pha over, I can see he is emotionally and physically a mess. He's sitting in one of the chairs in his seating area, his elbows are on his legs and his head is cradled in his hands. He looks up at me when I enter, and stands to meet me.

"Where is he?" he asks.

"He's still at the event."

"What? You left him there alone?"

"No, I left him there with P'Forth and 20 of his close friends. Yo will be fine for now. I want to know how you are? Do you feel rational enough to discuss this matter now?"


I turn to look at our friends, "Can you please wait outside till I finish here?"

Once they shuffle from the room, I start our conversation again. "P'Pha, I've called Yo's father. I didn't go into details, but I did tell him you came forward as Yo's mate. I also told him, that I prevented you from meeting with him for now. P'Pha, I..." I'm interrupted by my phone ringing. Pulling it out, I see it's Yo's father.

Raising my hand up to put my conversation with Pha on hold, "I have to answer this. Yes, Alpha," I answer so Pha will know who I am talking to.

"N'Ming, I've talked to Phana's father and he's agreed to call him home for the weekend. He is sending a car to pick him up now. Phana should receive a call anytime now from his father letting him know."

Right then Pha's cell phone starts ringing, "Yes, Alpha I'm with Phana and I believe his father is calling him now."

"N'Ming, you did good tonight. I'm proud of the way you handled the situation. I'll be meeting with Phana and his father this weekend and we'll start working this out. Just focus on taking care of Wayo."

"Yes, Alpha, thank you and I will." He disconnects, and I put my phone away waiting for Pha to finish his conversation with his father.

Pha ends his call and turns to look at me, "My father has called me home for the weekend, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Yes, Yo's father told me and it was my suggestions to begin with."

"What!" Pha snarls. "How can I be away from him? I just found my mate and you want me to leave him?"

"P'Pha, look at yourself. You're not ready to face Yo yet. You're barely holding yourself together right now. Can you keep yourself from claiming Yo? If you try to claim him now, you'll hurt him, because he will not understand. You know that, right? P, are you listening?"

Pha runs his hand through his hair. "Yes, I'm listening, and I understand. I don't want to hurt Yo, but N'Ming... what am I supposed to do?"

Looking at Pha, really looking at him, it starts to sink in that this man will be Yo's mate. I've watched over Wayo for a long time now and will continue to do so long into the future, which means this man and I will have the same goals – to see Wayo safe and happy. I need to adjust my thinking now to include him.

"Look, P'Pha, I know Yo better than anyone. I'll help you through this." He's looking at me now. Focusing on my words.

"You need to take a couple days to get your act together. Meet with your father and Yo's father and form a plan on how to you're going to start dealing with the changes that will need to be made soon. This isn't going to be resolved anytime soon. Yo doesn't turn 18 for another 4 months." He lets out a short whine at my words.

"Ok." He looks at me. "I'll go, but I'll be back on Sunday, and I will see Yo then."

"Yes." I simply agree.


Fourth, the witnesses.

Stepping outside Pha's dorm room, I observe the three boys waiting for me.

Decha steps forward and asks, "Is Phana really Wayo's mate?"

"Yes, P', he seems to be, but that will have to remain a secret for the next few months until Yo turns 18. Can I trust you three to keep that a secret?" I ask them.

The boys look at each other and nod. Decha turns back to me and says, "If it helps to protect Wayo, then yes, we can."

"Thank you, P's and I'm sorry, but I have one more favor. Pha's father is sending someone to bring him home tonight. Can you three stay with him until they arrive? I'm not sure when they'll get here, but Wayo has a midnight curfew, so must be back in his room by then. That means his scent will be heavy in the building around that time. It could cause some problems with Pha."

"We understand. We'll stay and help Phana."

"P's I'll text you when I'm bringing Yo home, so we'll not cross paths. Thank you." I give them another wai and head for the stairwell at the end of the hall.

Glancing at my watch, I see it's only 10:30pm, so I head back to the event to check on Yo.


Edited:  02.09.2018   9:25 pm  US CST

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