CH 63: Hell Hath No Fury...

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Wayo seemed happy with Kamon staying with him. Now that he officially knows about our relationship, they both want to spend some time together, getting to know each other better.

Kamon didn't find her mate until later in life, so they didn't have the opportunity to have their own kids. Then when they were starting to talk about adoption, she lost her mate in a rogue attack. She already treated Wayo like a beloved pack member, now I hoped that she would come to look at him like a son. As for Wayo, while I know Kamon will never replace his mother, I hope he'll come to care for her as family also.

As for Ming, Kit, Phana, Tasha and I, we just arrived at the location where Park is being held. Yut is standing outside waiting for us and he has Beam and Forth with him. We climb out of the car and exchange greetings with everyone.

"Ai'Yut, how have you been?" I ask as we hug.

"Fine, fine, and you?"

"Everything has been good, up until this happened."

"When I realized he was your son, my boys and I did everything to make sure we got him back. Fast."

"I know you did, and I appreciate all you've done. Is he inside?" I'm ready to see the person who thought they could take my son.

"Yes. Come in."

We enter the small building. Our pack uses it as a holding facility for one of our shipping companies, so there are crates and boxes lined up along the walls. We follow Yut straight down the main aisle to what I assume was once an office area. The wall in front of us has a few doors, but mostly is filled with a row of windows running across it. From the windows you can see the contents of the separate rooms.

Two of the rooms in front of us have several men in each. All the men are tied at the hands and feet and are sitting on the bare floor. "We separated his men like N'Ming asked us to. The ones in the room on the left are pack members of his. The ones in front of us are hired men."

"We'll deal with them later. Where is Park?"

"This way." He tells us, heading down the aisle.

Yut leads us to the last room along the wall, and we all look through the glass to see a disheveled young man tied to a chair.

He glances up and sees us, then starts yelling, "Get me out of here! My father will come for me if you do anything to me! Let me go now!"

"Aish, he's annoying. Been yelling at us since yesterday. Won't shut up." Yut says with an irritated expression.

"It's ok, you won't have to deal with him much longer." Yut's eyes jump to mine. "He'll face pack justice in a few minutes and then this will all be over."

Yut nods his head. "Do you want my boys..."

"No!" Phana interrupts. "He's ours." He tells us both with a determined look on his face.

Reassuring him I say, "I never said differently, but are you sure you want to do this?" I have to make sure he's ready to do this. Getting blood on your hands, even to avenge the one you love, can leave stains you can't erase.

Phana looks at me, then at his friends, when they all nod, he turns back to me, "Yes, I'm ready. We all are."

The boys start to move forward, but Tasha speaks up, "Alpha, you promised."

"Boys, wait." I look at Tasha, "Yes, I did. Are you prepared?"

"Yes, Alpha." Tasha states, then moves forward and enters the room as the boys watch in confusion.

Ming turns to me, "Alpha, what is she doing?"

"N'Ming, I know you don't care for Tasha, and you might even believe that she doesn't care for Wayo, but you would be terribly wrong. Tasha has her own desire for revenge and I won't deny her request for it." When they start to protest, I hold my hands up to quiet them. "She will not kill him and you can have him when she's done. Just wait and watch."



Walking slowly into the room, I look over the man-child in front of me. So, this is the trash who hurt my Wayo. I'm unimpressed to say the least.

"What do you want old woman?" He sneers at me.

"Vengeance." I say simply and clearly, so he'll be able to understand.

He laughs out loud at my statement, "What can you do to me old woman?"

"Ooohh, so many things." I mock as I move closer to him. I'm only a few steps away now. "You see, I know all about what you really are."

"You don't know anything about me." He spits out.

"That's not true, you see, I know what you are and what you do. You use others to satisfy your own childish whims." I take a step. "You harm the ones who most need your protection." Another step.

I'm beside him now and I lean down to whisper in his ear. "You took someone that wasn't yours. You harmed someone I consider mine. Someone I spent years taking care of." Pausing, I and look at him. "I'd break your mind if I thought I could get away with it, but the others would notice and might let you off with a lighter sentence, and that just won't work. No, that wouldn't satisfy me at all. When I'm done with you, I want to watch as they rip you apart piece by piece."

"You're crazy." He turns his face to the windows and yells, "Hey, get this..."

Before he can say more, I lay my hand on his shoulder, creating a temporary link between us, and shove everything I'm feeling directly into him.

His body tenses, his back arches, and he throws his head back and screams as the overwhelming anger and hatred burn through his system.

Recognizing him feeling my emotions isn't enough to mollify me, I change the flow. Now I'm propelling the shame and helplessness his victims must feel when he is with them through him. I want him to feel violated and defiled.

Lastly, I take great pleasure in ramming pure unadulterated terror down into him. The same terror I felt when I found out Wayo had been taken.

Watching the different emotions cross his features as he suffers under my touch brings me no small amount of satisfaction.

Minutes pass by as I enjoy the sound of his screams ringing through the air, but suddenly I remember I have to leave his mind intact. Removing my hand from him, I unconsciously wipe it along my skirt to clean it. He collapses against the chair, and I'm sure his restraints are the only thing holding him upright. His head hangs down almost touching his chest and sweat is pouring off him.

Leaning down so he can hear me whisper once again, "Thank you, I feel much better now."

After giving him one last disgusted look, I turn and walk out of the room.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I loved writing it. Letting Tasha 'talk' to Park brought me joy and happiness!!  <evil smirk>

See you tomorrow!!  <3  <3  


Edited:  04.06.2018   9:27 pm  US CST

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