CH 45: Making Up Isn't Hard to Do

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We're finally pulling into the dorm parking lot. Traffic in Bangkok is always bad, but end of a holiday traffic takes things to a whole new level. No matter, we're finally home now.

Planting a quick kiss on Yo's forehead, I whisper into his ear, "We're home baby. It's time to wake up now, na." He'd fallen asleep on my shoulder about half way through the drive. I just let him sleep, since he was so upset when we had to say bye to his dad.


Ming and I are putting the luggage into the back of the CRV while Kit is saying bye to Ming's parents and Yo is talking quietly with is dad.

Ming joins Kit and hugs his parents goodbye before taking Kit's hand and pulling him to the car.

As I walk towards to let him know it's time to go too, I watch as his father pulls him into a tight hug. Moving closer, I can hear Yo crying quietly against his father's chest. His dad is mumbling words of comfort to him, but it's not calming him down at all.

Alpha Panitchayasawad looks at me with pained eyes. "Wayo, your friends are waiting for you. It's time to head back to school. Don't you want to go?"

"Daddy, I really missed you. I don't want to be away that long again." He tells him between sniffles.

"School will be out soon, and don't forget you'll be back here for your birthday which is only about five weeks from now. So, we will see each other very soon, na? Don't cry, na? You'll make daddy sad too."

Yo nods his head, "Ok." He releases his dad and wipes his tears. "I love you, daddy. See you soon." With that he turns and runs past me to the car. I watch him until his father clears his throat, calling my attention back to him.

He holds out his hand and we shake. "Take care of my son, Nong Phana."

"I will Alpha, I promise."


We all head upstairs to drop our things off at our dorm rooms before we make plans for the rest of the evening. I know Kit and I want to check on Beam, and I'm sure Yo wants to check on Forth, so we'll need to fit that into our plans this evening too.

After making a quick stop at Yo's room, we then head over to talk to Ming's and Kit's. We decide to grab some dinner out at one of the nearby restaurants, but we'll stop by Forth's room before we leave. It's been over three days, so it should be ok to visit. Yo also confirms that Forth's link is pretty calm, so we all head upstairs together.

Knocking on Forth's door, it quickly swings open revealing Beam. He looks startled to see all of us there.

Kit steps forward, "Ai'Beam how are you? We wanted to come by and check on you and your mate to see if everything was going ok."

"Forth is currently in the shower, but come in." He retreats into the room and as he passes the bathroom door he knocks and raises his voice to say, "We have guests."

Ming and Kit enter first, but as I move to follow I feel a tug on the back of my shirt. Glancing back at Yo, I see him looking a little skittish. His eyes are darting between me and the floor.

"What's the matter?"

"Maybe I should go back to my room and you can just let me know how things are when you get done talking."



I look between Forth's room and Yo, and then it hits me. "Do you not want to see Beam?"

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