CH 51: Last Minute Measures & The Gift

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A/N: Ready for a sugar high? Here we go!



Relaxing with Yo is really enjoyable after the long day we've both had, but it's 11pm and I'm literally under a time constraint tonight.

"Oh no. N'Yo, I left your present at the main house." I complain to him in a sad voice.

"P' you didn't have to get me anything."

"What? Not buy my boyfriend a birthday present? Of course, you need a present." After thinking for a second, I snap my fingers like I just came up with a great idea, and tell him, "Look, why don't you refresh the hot water in the tub, take a bath, and relax while I run up to the house. I'll be right back. Na?"

"Are you sure?" He asks me hesitantly.

"Yes, now go on. It'll only take me a few minutes..." I dip down and trail a couple of kisses along his neck, "then I'll join you... maybe in the tub." I look up and smile at him as I watch his eyes glaze over with his innocent desire. Standing, I lead him to the bedroom and the tub. I give him a quick kiss, and let him know, "I'll be right back."

Stepping out of the room while he's undressing, I blow him a kiss then shut the bedroom door. Before leaving, I walk through the living room closing the shutters on the windows, then I head out the front door and shut it before leaning against it and heaving a thankful sigh. I glance at my watch, I have to get moving.

Jogging down the path back towards the training area, I hear a voice call out to me as I get close.

"Was he surprised? Did he like it?" Yo's father questions me.

"Yes, and yes, are the answers you're looking for." I smile as I recall the stunned look on Yo's face. "He seemed very happy to see the house restored."

"Should have done it long ago." He sighs before asking, "Is everything ready?"

"Yes, the only door open is the veranda and since it faces the water that shouldn't be a problem. I've closed the window shutters, so you should be able to move everyone into place after I return to the house." I pause, "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Yes, I think so. Tasha assures me that it will decrease the effects significantly for those on the pack bond. The links it should help to dampen, but since they are directly connected to Wayo, she's not sure how much it will help. But, I have talked to Ming, Forth and their mates and they're prepared for the next few days."

"How many Omegas will be stationed around the house?"

"We're starting off with 50 for the first wave, but will have back-ups waiting in case it's worse than we think. Then we'll have about 20-30 around the house at all times. I borrowed a little over a hundred Omegas from our allies to make sure we had enough over the next three days. Tasha will rotate them out depending on their strength and tolerance every cycle. To be blunt, they'll rest when you two do, so I think they'll be fine."

Yo's father has done so much for us. I wai and bow my head to him, "Thank you, sir, for all you've done. Not just tonight, but over the last few months."

He offers me his hand to shake and when I take it, he pulls me into a hug, "Son, in just a few minutes we'll be family, so there are no thanks needed. Just promise me you'll always take care of Wayo."

"Always, I promise." I tell him full of confidence, and he nods his head at my words. "I have to get back before he starts to worry." I turn and start to walk away.

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