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"Caleb? Honey?" Miranda cautiously called as she quietly but firmly knocked on my door before entering,


"Did you forget about the party?"


I groaned audibly as I remembered agreeing to go to my 'uncle's' stupid birthday party tonight and I almost wished I could make up some silly excuse about it being a school night and I had tons of homework. It was only Wednesday night but they all knew no one got homework this close to exams.

"I'll be down in a few." I mumbled as slowly my frustrations and agitations came back at having to get out of bed again.

Miranda said nothing but I heard my door close as she quietly retreated. I was just about to fall back to sleep when I heard Justin's voice and I popped one eye open as I listened.

I shouldn't have been able to hear them from all the way up in my room especially since the house was so big but that's another thing that came with my mood.

"Is he still going?" I heard Justin ask.


A pause.

"Are we so sure he should be going out tonight? It is closer to a full moon... what if something happens?" Miranda's soft voice whispered.

My ears perked up at that and I was confused as to what she meant. Okay, I get that I was more angry these days but did they really think I'd get into a fight? Okay, that wasn't so far off, but still. What did the full moon have to do with anyt-

"We've discussed this Miranda, he's fine. Nothing is going to happen." Justin's voice cut through my thoughts and I once again attuned my ears to their conversation.

"We don't know that! He's almost eighteen and as much as you don't want to believe it he's getting more and more aggressive and that means he's one of us-"

"We're not that sure! And even if-"

"I'm sure, I smelt it on him the day we showed up at the agency and the scent has stayed. He is one of us and if we don't tell him before his eighteenth birthday, he's gonna find out the hard way."

My mind racked from what she said and I instantly sat up on my bed, all trace of sleep gone.

The fudge?!

Standing quickly, I rushed to my closet and hastily snatched the first clothing I saw, dragging them on before spraying some cologne and grabbing a random pair of sneakers before I raced down the stairs.

"Caleb!" Miranda says shocked as I rushed into the kitchen. "Are you okay?"

The oblivious look on her face had my emotions going all over the place and I wanted to shake her violently for keeping secrets about me, from me.

"What does the full moon have to do with me?" I demanded.

"What?" Justin asked as he too pretended to be confused.

"And what the hell do you smell on me?"

I watched as they both exchanged stunned looks and before either of them could lie, I spoke.

"Am I some witchcraft baby that you're tryna pull into your cult? Because I go to school so I know that shit is real."


"Are you guys gonna sacrifice me under the full moon?" I cut in as Justin tried to speak.

"That's preposterous. I don't know what you're going on about but we're late for the party so let's go."

"No Miranda. I'm not leaving here till you tell me what evil nonsense you have me wrapped up in. If you think I don't notice you sneaking outta here once a month for the entire day only to come back covered in mud and whatnot and smelling like a dead animal then you're wrong!

It's witchcraft! I know it."

"You're clearly high, boy."

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid! I'm 17 and way smarter than you or Miranda give me credit. Is that why you guys are so rich? You're both in your forties and yet you both don't look a day over 25. You guys have sex more than the normal couple and you're always off on some trip through the woods-


"WITCHCRAFT!" I shouted and they both looked like they were about to laugh.

"Okay boy, when you're ready to come to the party, you'll come. Miranda... lets go. He can walk."

I watched in annoyed silence as my supposed parents walked right past me and through the front door and I was angry enough to just stay home but something inside me was more angry at them and I wanted answers. Even if I had to lock them up in the basement and drug them, I'm gonna find out what kind of evil they are and then bring a priest to deal with them.

Mind made up, I took some cash from the downstairs safe and headed out, locking the door behind me. They had only left a few minutes before but I was on foot and they were driving. Deciding that taking a short cut through the woods was far better than actually walking the long way to my uncle's house at the edge of the forest on the other side, I pulled up my hoodie, hiding my deep brown hair and started walking.

I had always felt more calm and collected in the forest and I relaxed as I slowly walked through, kicking debris idly with my boots as I hummed an unfamiliar song subconsciously.

I was so into my safe, peace and quiet that it took me a while to hear the trees rustling near me but I came to a sudden and complete halt when I heard the faint breaking of twigs.

My ears were attuned and my breathing held as I listened closely, eyes quickly scanning the area around me. The moon was bright above but since it was a day away from being full, I still couldn't make out anything. Braving death, I walked slowly towards the sound but another just like it sounded behind me and way closer.

I spun around quickly as my eyes frantically searched and my heart was beating insanely against my ribcage. I felt as though I should be terrified but I was more angry and annoyed than anything. Maybe cause I'm a man?

Aren't men naturally protective and unafraid of death?

I mean... I'm a man and I didn't feel scared so I guess it went for all...

The sound was heard again and before I knew it I growled like an animal as my vision came in line with a dark form looming near some thick bushes.

"I don't know what evil you are but if you so much as try to drag my ass to hell, imma-"

My words were stuck as I saw two bright yellow orbs staring at me and I stood frozen as I heard a low growl, sound in its direction.

Instead of the fear that I should have felt, I was calm and dare I say, curious.

"What are you?" I murmured more to myself than to it but the creature clearly heard because seconds later a slender wolf came out with fur a mixture of white and brown that caused my eyes to widen.

It's yellow eyes stared at me with such intensity that I felt myself being drawn and when it lifted its head up and let loose a long, loud cry the only thing resounding in my thoughts were...


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