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The air always felt stuffy at my school.

They were everywhere... the students. You couldn't go anywhere without bumping into them and I hated being bumped into. Maybe I just needed to go to the gym or better yet, bang a few chicks.

The second the thought left me, my entire body heated and I groaned as my lower half reacted. Annoyed at my fast change I did a detour out of the building and headed towards the bleachers. There was no way I was going to relieve myself in a school; not even if a girl was willing to help.

Okay, that wasn't completely true.

I groaned once more as I felt as though my skin was itching all over and I had a sudden urge to just run around the field, so I did just that. Dropping my bag, I pulled off my shirt and pants and started to run in my bare trunks. I was greatful it wasn't one of those Calvin Klein nonesense I was forced to wear at home and so I pushed my body to run as fast and as hard as I dared but still, I didn't feel any better.

The bell rang and I swiftly ignored it as the feeling of anxiousness came back and with that I just felt more frustrated. I ran a few more laps until my body physically couldn't go any more and when I threw myself onto the grass by the bleachers something inside just wanted to go more.

I'm tired. I mumbled and yet I wanted to whine.

It's official, I'm possessed.

Before I could have an internal debate about why I felt like there was another being living in my body my nose was assaulted with a collision of apples, cinnamon and earth. The combination was so weird but distinct yet combined and I closed my eyes as I inhaled deeply.

My body was going off the rails again and I had an overwhelming sensation to follow the scent. Getting up, I ignored the area where my bag and clothing were stashed and headed away from the new building and towards the old. With every step I felt the scent getting closer and my insides were practically alive with joy as the outside of me was abused by tingles.

I entered the door of the old abandoned building that not even our brave students would enter since the hanging of a depressed girl, years ago and headed in the direction the scent took me.

Walking up the stairs slowly, I heard the sounds before my eyes saw anything. It was soft and barely audible but all my senses were heightened and I felt as though even an ant on my arm would feel like a hammer with how sensitive everything was.

The sounds went in and out as though someone couldn't breathe right but the scent just kept getting stronger. With one last round I came upon an open classroom and my eyes immediately connected with the hazel eyes of a boy barely holding himself together at the opposite end of the classroom.

He was panting and sweat was forming at the top of his forehead as he gripped the desks near him. His cheeks were flushed and his gold-ish brown hair was matted with sweat. The second our eyes met we both took in sharp breaths and I felt like my entire body exploded at the sight of him.

My crotch area instantly increased as I got hard and I felt as though I was suffocating as my heart rate increased. I was never attracted to a guy before but that wasn't even on my mind as I saw his hazel eyes instantly switch to a deep, bright yellow.

As though my body had a mind of its own, my feet moved quickly and with few strides I was in front of him. I had no idea what was going on or why my body was reacting like this but as his bright eyes stared up at me with barely any restraint to him, I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay but once again something inside me stirred and was scratching at me from the inside, itching to get out.


I crashed my lips to him without thinking, pulling his too small body flush against me harshly and frantically roaming his body with my hands. The desperate moan that slipped out his mouth was like music to my ears and I growled deep in my throat as I swiftly lifted him off the ground, holding him against me and enjoying the feel of his arousal pressed against my bare stomach as I leant him onto one of the wooden desks.

My skin felt like electricity was being conducted between us and I was slowly losing control as I bit and sucked on his soft, inviting lips. I slipped my tongue inside his mouth as my hands slipped into the back of his jeans and he rocked his hips towards me making me in turn, groan.

I had no idea who this guy was, why he was in an abandoned building or why I felt the need to rip his clothes off and plunge myself so far inside him that I'd never come out again.

Just the thought had me leaking and I hungrily kissed my way to his neck as I inhaled his luscious scent. I had a sudden urge to just bite into it but instead I ran a wet tongue along it which earned me bucking of hips and a long throaty moan that was music to my ears.


The wave of possessiveness that rocked through me was enough to have me rip through his shirt as I literally marked my way down to his pants. There, I wasted no time in ripping him out of his remaining clothing before just stripping out my own.

His mouth was back on me and the second I felt his tongue on my neck I lost my shit. I bucked forward and my length rubbed against his hot one producing a loud groan from both of us.

"I can't wait!" He breathed out hoarsely and I groaned against his hair as he buried his head against my neck.

Licking two of my fingers, I was surprised that I salivated that much but I quickly pressed him flat against the desk with my free hand and lifted his butt to me as I spread him. Without losing time, I slipped my fingers into his heat and his eyes literally rolled back as he moaned loudly.

I worked him as slow as I dared but he was having none of that. I was worried for him since compared to me, he was small and I didn't want him to hurt. I had a sudden desire to protect him from any and all danger and I growled as he pressed me faster.

"Please." He pleaded brokenly.

All thought went through the window at his cry and with one swift motion, my fingers were gone and replaced by my lengthy rod. We both screamed out in enjoyment and I shivered at the tightness of him which caused me to come on contact.

For the first time ever, I was hard again within seconds and I pistoned myself deep within him as he met my every stroke, moaning and groaning as he clung to me. Pulling me closer to him, he kissed and sucked my neck driving me insane and before I knew it I felt his sharp teeth bite into my skin. I didn't have time to care about the blood leaving me as the white hot orgasm that ripped through both of us was so intense I was momentarily blinded.

We both panted as we slowly calmed and I pressed my forehead against his as I watched his bright yellow eyes slowly change back to hazel.

"That was so-"

"Yes." He finished and I kissed his lips once more, slowly this time to cherish the faint taste of my blood in his mouth.

As surprising as it may sound, I felt at home with him, just as we were. Me in him and him wrapped protectively in my arms.

The sexual aura eventually subsided and the guilt that set in had me pulling out of him quickly. He winced and something inside me whined as though in pain before I backed away from him.

"I'm sorry." I stuttered before I grabbed my clothing and raced out.

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