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As soon as Miranda and Justin stepped through the doors, I was the first thing their eyes landed on. I had repositioned the couch to face the door and sat back, hands folded in front of me and surrounded by papers of my 'evidence' of what we were.

"Caleb! What on earth is going on here?!" Justin demanded, clearly confused at the complete mess I made to the living room.

"You skipped school?" Miranda jumped in as one look at her watch showed a few minutes to three, signifying I was two hours early.

"Are you witches?" I demanded, not allowing them a chance to change the subject.

"Again with this nonsense?"

Justin turned to an equally frustrated Miranda with a look that just showed how tired he was of dealing with me.

"I told you before-"

"Then you're werewolves."

They both went silent as my accusation left them speechless and my heart kicked up a notch at the fact that their facial expression was all the proof I needed.

"Oh God. We are!"

"Caleb, I... we..."

Miranda turned towards her husband for help as once more she was at a loss for words and Justin dropped his suitcase at his feet before occupying the couch closest to him.

"Why would you-" He stopped, rearranged his thought process and tried again. "Who told you that?"

"No one had to tell me anything!" I shouted. "I'm not some stupid little kid anymore. You can't do things and expect me to just not notice them, that's not how this works."

"We never said you were stupid Caleb, we just-"

"Just what, Miranda? Huh? You think I don't notice all the secrets and hushed conversations you guys have about me? I did all my research." I snapped, slamming the heaps of papers I printed onto the coffee table in front of them.

"What's that?" Justin asked, clearly amused.

"That, is evidence. That is reasons behind why I'm so angry all the time, why I get hormonal around the full moon, why I hear things from far away and even strange things like a racing heartbeat, why I'm not afraid of wolves and dream of them and myself being one of them...why, why I had sex with one of them... and why he did this."

They both stared at me as though I had actually turned into a wolf before Miranda snatched the bandage away to reveal I was still bleeding.

"You mated with Alexander?! When did this happen? Why didn't he heal you?"

"You know him?"

"Our packs aren't that big, of course we know who he is."

"Packs? How many packs are there?"


"There are five packs and yet none of you thought it necessary to tell me about it!" I snapped as I stood, now completely angry.

A low growl slipped from my throat and that caused Justin to immediately get to his feet, pulling Miranda behind him.

"You people treat me like I'm some retarded freak that can't handle anything." I continued, getting angrier by the second and not really knowing why but still not giving two fucks about it. "You keep secrets that are about me. You talk in hushed tones but still sound like you're screaming, you say things in codes like if you expect me to figure it out and snap any second and that honestly drives me up the walls."

I was honestly seeing red now and my breathing was 50 shades of fucked. I was almost hyperventilating and my gums hurt like a mother fucking bitch. I felt itchy and it was as though that familiar being inside of me was ripping to get out.

It suddenly hit me that that could be my beast and my mouth immediately salivated as I watched the red forms in front of me that had managed to take a few feet closer to the door.

"Calm down Caleb." Justin tries to say calmly but the crack in his voice lets me know he's nervous.

"You expect me to calm down?! You guys kept this huge secret about me from me. You let me think I was some freak, going freaking insane thinking that I was possessed or something. Had me go through this shit all alone when all along there were five fucking packs out there that could've helped me cope with this shit!"

"Caleb please. You're loosing control and you're scaring us." Miranda pleads as she backs further into the corner.

I was really struggling to control my breathing and my insides were burning up. I needed to get at least an ounce of this anger out and although the rational part of me was saying not to kick the shit out of the both of them, the irrational part of me was saying, fuck it.

I took one look at the red forms in front of me and advanced just as they backed up, hitting the door but staying there. My brain was rooting for blood but just before I reached them my head felt like it was splitting open and I growled loud as I fell to my knees.

I tried my best to calm down and it took me all but twenty minutes before I could open my eyes again. They landed on a very concerned Justin as he hovered above me while Miranda massaged my temples as I lay on her lap.

"There, there. You're okay. Just focus on your breathing."

I could hear their heartbeats racing and I somehow knew they were still afraid of me but Miranda would rather die than see me in any kind of pain. The immediate guilt I felt was so overwhelming that I immediately felt like whining. Turning into her palm, I go to touch her cheek and my heart slowed its beating as I stared at my palm. Miranda silently takes it and gently wipes the blood away with her blouse, staining the fabric.

"What... happened?"

"You got so angry you almost turned." Justin responds softly, avoiding my eyes as he looked at his wife. I in turn look at her and she's silently crying as she looked at me.

"Your fangs almost came out but your claws did." She states and I sit up causing Justin to tense and I could hear both their hearts racing.

"You're afraid of me."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement and they knew it. They were afraid that I almost turned and hurt them. I wanted to say that I would never do something that horrible no matter how angry I got but one look at Miranda showed how scared she was but still she loved me too much to stay away even if it means sacrificing herself to calm me down.

As much as Justin was tense and wanted to protect his wife, I could still see the part of him that wanted to protect his son.

I was mad at them, I knew this, but I would never imagine being so mad that I'd hurt them. Without thinking I ran to the door, threw it open and began running towards the forest as day slowly starts to turn to night.

I was determined to run until I found the other packs. They were the only ones that could help me and I refused to hurt the people I love just because they were too afraid to let me go.

Too afraid to let me know who I truly was.

I ran what felt like forever before I started feeling light headed. My neck was once again exposed but my palms had healed and I stumbled once before catching myself. Still, I refused to stop running. Something inside me... my beast, was refusing to let up and I panted as I pushed myself to my breaking point.

I felt eyes on me and somehow knew I was getting closer to the packs, which caused me to run faster, almost nearing the clearing up ahead. The familiar scent of apples, cinnamon and earth assaulted my nose and distracted me and upon inhaling, I closed my eyes and tripped over something solid. I hit the ground hard and immediately my world went black.

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