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The building we arrived at was three stories high, painted entirely in green and seemed to take up an entire acre of land. The colour made the building seem to blend in with the atmosphere and given the fact that there were no street lights, I knew that it would be even harder to notice. There were long, double sided windows along the left and right side of the building and for a second I wondered if that was a good idea given the fact that this was wolf territory.

Yet although the windows were too big and too many, the rest of the building was concrete and looked to withstand many natural phenomenons. I watched the odd shaped place skeptically before feeling Alexander's hand as it squeezed mine.

He had stopped walking and I do too as I turn to watch him. Zander is at the bottom of the step but his eyes are trained on the double doors instead of us.

"You have to go in alone." Alexander says and I gave him an odd look.


That was all I said and that one word alone was enough for both of them to understand me. It wasn't harsh but it held enough power in it that even Zander looked over at me. Alexander immediately looked to his feet as his body shrank a bit and I finally rolled my eyes.

"Stop doing that." I commanded.

He still continues to stare at his feet and I called his name.


"Yes alpha?" He asks weakly.

"I told you to stop doing that." Came my cold reply.

"Stop doing what?"

"Stop staring at your feet whenever I talk to you or whenever I look at you. Its frustrating."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. Just don't do it."

He nods and goes to look at the ground again as if by instinct but meets my eyes and holds my stare. Instead he wraps both hands around himself as though a form of protection and I withhold my scowl.

"Now remove your hands." I command, a tad bit softer this time.

He does so immediately but chose to slip his hands into his jacket pocket. I sighed before reluctantly giving him a nod and he smiled shyly before looking at Zander.

"You should head in. He's waiting on you in the alpha's quarter."

I start walking to where he was and pulling Alexander with me.

"I can't go in with you." He says again and this time I did scowl.

"Yes you can. Just walk. You were given two feet for this exact reason."

"He actually can't. This house is only for the alphas and their families-"

"He is my mate."

"Not fully. Not yet."

"I'm not an alpha yet either." I snap angrily and stepped closer to him.

My intimidation tactic didn't seem to be working and I just about started a new fight to show dominance until I felt a tug on my hand.

"Its okay. I can wait out here." Alexander says and I allowed myself an angry scowl staring match with the buff guy that thought he could take me.

"I swear this isn't over." I snap before slamming my shoulder against him and walking up the wide stairs.

Even though this is my first time seeing the building, let alone entering it, I knew exactly where to go. I passed the living room area and headed to the winding stairs before stepping off onto the second floor. To my farthest right, all the way to the long window, sat a black door with a Crest on it.

I headed to it and instead of knocking, entered. An old man sat on an eerily shaped chair and before I could take in his posture, I took in the room.

It felt familiar to me. Like a dream that became my reality. The walls had a deep grey colour and the span of the room was big enough to hold a small house inside. The bed was towards the far wall away from the door and was a lockered brown while the pillows and sheets were off white, almost cream. The floor was covered from wall to wall with a soft blue and gold carpet. There were 4 other doors from the double ones I just came in and I could only assume what they were. An entire couch set was set towards the left of the bed and next to that had 5 ceiling to floor windows that looked out on the vegetative area below. The old man sat on what I could only describe as a throne near the head of the bed and closest to the windows.

"Sit down boy." He says in a voice deeper than expected for his age.

Without thinking I took the smaller throne seat facing him and avoided eye contact, choosing instead to look outside.

"Do you know who I am?"

"No sir."

I wanted to be shocked at how polite I was being but it wasn't a point of being respectful because of his age, I felt like I needed to give him respect. He was old based on his appearance yet it was unmistakable in my mind that he'd win in a fight against me without even trying.

His hair was completely gray yet there wasn't a bald spot in sight. His face and body looked to belong to someone in their 70s yet his posture and voice made him appear younger. Something about him made me feel calm and protected and as I looked into his deep brown eyes I felt as though I've known him in a past life.

"My name is Hunter Marques and I am the current alpha of all 5 packs."

My eyebrows raised in shock at his words and the power of this man finally registered. Based on what I read on the internet, wolfs run in packs and had at least 20 wolves each. To know that he was the alpha to 5 packs which had their own alphas, made my respect and slight apprehension for him go up.

"An alpha of alphas?" I murmur and I heard him let out a deep chuckle.

"Hypothetically speaking."

Hunter leans back in his chair and relaxes, legs spreading as he rests his arms on the chair.

"You'll be 18 very soon so I think it's time you learnt your history and your destiny."

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